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There is no evidence that anything you eat or drink before or after

getting vaccinated, including alcohol, affects the safety or effectiveness

of COVID-19 vaccinations. Drinking alcohol, on the other hand, can
exacerbate the common mild to moderate adverse effects of
vaccination, such as a headache and weariness. As a result, it is best to
refrain from drinking until any side effects from vaccination have
subsided. Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine's side effects.
Despite the fact that COVID-19 immunizations are highly efficient at
preventing serious disease and death, there is still a potential that you
could become infected after receiving the vaccine. Continue to
maintain physical separation, wear a well-fitting mask over your nose
and mouth, wash your hands frequently, remain home if you're sick,
conceal coughs and sneezes, and keep interior places adequately
ventilated to protect yourself and others. Drinking alcohol can make
you less careful in carrying out these behaviors, putting you and others
in danger. Please bear in mind that consuming alcohol raises your risk
of developing additional health issues.

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