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The gifts provided by the natural environment are bliss for mankind as well as for the
other living organisms. These natural resources including air, sunlight, fresh water, fossil fuels
etc. are so vital that life can never be possible without them. This environment is important for
us, humans, because it is the only sanctuary wherein we can actually manifest our lives. Our
entire life support system depends on the environment that we are in.

Greta Thunberg’s #NatureNow short film should serve as our eye opener because so
much is happening around us that putting our precious lives at risk. These risks could result into
mass extinction that we all fear. Amidst this situation, we can still save the world, our world.
There are a lot of solutions that we can apply. All we need to do is to move and let better changes
begin. Planting a “tree” is the simplest natural climate solution, George stated. This simple act
can result to a big impact that could preserve us from danger.

Is it the time for us to ask ourselves? Do we really deserve this world? We were given a
life by this sphere yet we are destroying it faster than we should help maintaining its beauty and
usefulness. We need nature the most during this time. Natural climate solutions are available yet
we are ignoring them. Now, we must start and be part of protecting, restoring and funding
Natural Climate Solutions. Protect by means of eliminating activities that destroy our nature that
could also affect our climate. Restore by initiating activities that promotes natural environment
preservation. Fund by paying for things that help for our nature to survive. Make move. Be part
of the better change for our nature. We can really save the world. This is possible only if steps
are taken on the individual basis, rather than depending entirely on the government. Be the
solution not the destruction.

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