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Final Production-My last vacations.

On my last vacation we decided to go with my family and my godparents to the

beach, but specifically to Santa Marta, so we waited for it to be a correct time, in
our case, January, since they no longer had to work, the date came we enlisted our
suitcases both families and we all rode to my godfather's car, and we started our
journey , soon after we stopped for a bite to eat, and after this we followed our
path, it was falling at night and near Limites (a town of Note de Santander) on a
bad bend, and because the road was wet, since it rained the day before, my
godfather who was driving lost control and we hit an edge of the road , the car got
to get up but thanks to the weight, and this railing did not turn around, we were all
scared and we got out of the car quickly, and we realized that the front wheel had
exploded, we waited while my godfather and my dad were looking nearby
somewhere that could help us, after about an hour they came back but we could
not change the tire because it was already very night and there was no mechanic
nearby , then we touched to walk to Limites so that we could spend the night there,
and wait for a cousin to buy the wheel somewhere, it was like 10 o'am and we all
went to sleep hoping that it could be fixed, since the damage could be serious,
when it dawn, we woke up, we brushed our teeth and managed to go to breakfast ,
fortunately the damage was not so serious and my cousin was able to buy the
wheel and drive to where we were, they mounted the wheel and we were able to
follow our path, we lost a whole day, but still it was fun, there in Santa Marta we
went to the beach to swim, we also piloted kayak in a river, and we could even
dive, we enjoyed a lot even though we all burned because we didn't carry blocker,
at 4 days we returned home renovated.

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