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Title : The Effect of Mychorrizha Enriched Seed Encapsulation to Soybean

Growthand Yield
Journal Name : Agrinova, Journal of Agriculture Innovation
Volume and Pages : 2 (1),007-013
Year : 2019
Author : Jonet Kurniawan and Taryono
Reviewer : Nur Rohmah Agustin (134190019) and Martania Sri Ayu Manik

A. Summary
1. Soybean is a plant whose processed products are very popular among Indonesian
citizensso that the import rate for soybean is high, therefore efforts to increase soybean
production need to be done through increasing productivity,expanding planting areas,
and improving management.
2. One of the efforts to maximizesoybeanperformanceis the application of biological
fertilizer such as mycorrhiza because it was able to increase nutrient and water uptake
and even drought tolerance, so that a study was conducted to determine the effect of
encapsulation of soybean seed enriched with mycorrhiza on the growth and yield using
three varieties namely Anjasmoro, Grobogan, and Argomulyo.

B. Outline
1. In this journal, the authors assume that one thing that can be done to maximize soybean
performance is the application of biological fertilizers such as mycorrhizae because it
can increase nutrient and water tuptake and even drought tolerance.
2. The author argues that the high rate of soybean imports causes various attempts to
increasing soybean production through increasing productivity, expanding the planting
area, and improving governance. So the authors conducted this study aimed to
determine the effect of mycorrhizal enriched soybean seed encapsulation and explain
the effect of mycorrhizae on growth and yield soy.
3. The study was carried out in three treatments without mycorrhiza, application
mycorrhiza without through seed encapsulation, and through seed encapsulation
showing results that were not significantly different from the three types of treatment
and the highest cultivar was Anjasmoro, followed by Argomulyo, and finally
4. The application of mycorrhiza without through seed encapsulationand through seed
encapsulation did not have a significant effect and did not improve the soybean
performanceon the growth and yield.

C. Limitations or extensions
1. In this journal the study was carried outon soybean with three varieties namely
Anjasmoro, Grobogan, and Argomulyo.
2. The results of these study can be carried out on other types of legumes.

D. Opinion
1. In a journal entitled "The Effect of Mychorrizha Enriched Seed Encapsulation to
Soybean Growth and Yield "The background of this journal is in accordance with
reality, because the results presented are based on research and not only taken from one
party. The author explains that this journal is to determine the effect of mycorrhizal
enriched soybean seed encapsulation and explain the effect of mycorrhizae. on the
growth and yield of soybeans.
2. The writing style of this journal is also quite well structured and clear from the
research title, author's name, abstract, introduction, method, and discussion in the
research. However, the conclusions and research results in this journal are not
consistent so that readers still cannot understand them clearly.
3.Dampak, kegunaanatauefekhasilpenelitiantersebutbaikuntukkomoditas yang
dipakaimaupununtukkomoditas lain kedepannya …

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