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Valerie Houghton, what she is capable of and how to deal with her

during your divorce

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Valerie Houghton is sex trafficking my kids. She was my therapist and attorney during my
divorce. I told her about gold coins that my ex had taken and hidden. Ms. Houghton was
determined to get some of those coins. She used information that my 13 year old was being
molested to get those $80,000 worth of gold coins put into trust by extorting my ex.

Then she covered up the sexual abuse by not letting me verify what was happening to my son. I
was then ordered to not have contact with my children. The judge could not even give me a
reason why. My ex’s other attorney simply read something from a phone. I would have never
agreed had I known that it was a three year restraining order. By that point I had fired Ms.
Houghton and she went on to represent my ex without notifying me.

The legal abuse was not the only abuse. Ms. Houghton also had me hacked and harassed. She
started using my social circle.

It never ended. Valerie also started tampering with my business and tried to get me arrested.

I ended up trying to protect my kids. The abuse intensified.

Ms. Houghton started having me stalked and poisoned. My heart, kidneys, and liver have been
damaged. The shape of my face has changed and I have lost sensation across my entire body.

I was able to confirm with my son that he had indeed been repeatedly sexually abused because
he became an adult. Ms. Houghton only laughed it off. She said, “It isn’t rape if they want it.”

I told my son to go report it to the police. A week and a half later the judge filed an order on HIS
OWN ACCORD that I could only have supervised visitation with my adult son.

There are strong indications that my other children have also been sexauuly abused. I can’t
verify that because I have not seen them in over 7 years. Ms. Houghton is intent on keeping all
the child molestation going. She doesn’t care about all the psychological damage that it is
causing them.

She continues to have me stalked and poisoned. Valerie is trying to force a psychological
evaluation on me that she will tamper with. She says that it will restore all the lost business that
resulted from my complaints.

Valerie has also involved my youngest daughter with whom I share with a different mother. Said
child is currently under the legal custody of a man who previously drugged and raped a teen. I
have begged Valerie to leave her out of it. Ms. Houghton said, “My child, my rules.” Shae also
says that my daughter will “have fun.”

You cannot underestimate Valerie’s power, her propensity to harm others, or her tenacity. She
will cheat her way through anything, using your personal information to gain valuable insights.

Valerie uses people who look like they are part of a Latino street gang to have you followed.
Nothing is off the table. She is astute at spreading money in ways that are atypical (and illegal).

I recommend getting an Iphone. Change your passwords periodically.Make sure to turn off the
wifi setting. It is by default always on. Also turn off the Bluetooth. Do a DFU restore periodically,
have the charger on you at all times, and keep your phone safe.

Keep email only to the phone. Don’t use the computer for that, unless you can secure it
accordingly. She will be relentless with the hacking. Reading and writing emails, looking at your
browsing history, listening to your calls and penetrating your social network give her the edge in
dealing with you.

It will be hard to detect the people stalking you. Focus on securing your electronic devices.

You will be harassed by friends and coworkers, alike. Even family will join in. They say that
when you are at your weakest that you know who your true allies are. This is absolutely true.

Best to just ignore it. Get a set of headphones. Ms. Houghton aims to interfere with all your
relationships, making you feel helpless and isolated. She will continually try to find ways to get
you arrested.

I am a law abiding person. Before meeting Houghton, I was never arrested or in trouble with the
law. Valerie has her ways. You cannot underestimate her, even from afar. The ultimate goal is to
make you as miserable as she can in order to subdue you into doing anything that she asks,
including giving up on your kids.

I don’t think that it is necessarily all about the money. She could have made so much more had
she protected my children. The other thing is all the jokes. Valerie has never expressed any
concern or remorse about my children being sexually abused. She only laughs at it all. That
makes me believe that she also has a sadistic motive.

You should watch this talk that Ms. Houghton did at a conference for parental alienation. She
gave away the whole game plan.

The part about getting dragged under the tide and not getting a chance to catch your breath is
something that I found to be very true. The abuse is unrelenting, no matter what you try to do.
She doesn’t care about what you want. Even the most basic needs, such as protecting your
children, don’t matter to her. She wants complete obedience to every wish.

I know that it sounds far fetched. Until you experience it, you won’t believe it.

The courts have the ultimate control over a person in our society. They can take your children,
your money, and even your freedom. If someone has the right connections and knowledge, they
can use the courts to back anything that they want. Once that happens, no one will listen to you,
even if your kids are being abused. The judge is the ultimate authority, not the police or anyone
else. No one will go against what a judge says.

There is also no one to discipline the judge. You can have as much evidence as you want. No
one will do anything in the State of California. Since the judge always runs unopposed, he has
no one to answer to.

This is why Valerie is so brazen.

I don’t have an answer on how to deal with her. If I did, my kids would not be sexually abused.

You may need to confer with someone else, or find an out of the box solution, such as


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