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Discipline Hierarchy

1. Nonverbal
i. Eye contact
ii. Proximity
iii. Hand signals
b. Logical
i. Redirection
ii. Repeat action correctly
c. Verbal
i. Student’s name
ii. Call on student to help with something to get them out of their seat
iii. Reminder of class rules
iv. Give reward to behaving students
v. Have entire class recite the rule that the student is breaking to reiterate
what issue is happening
2. Level 2
a. Time out in “quiet corner”
b. Student teacher meeting
c. Privilege taken away
d. Parent contact
e. Temporary seat change
f. Send student to do something else to reset mental fatigue
g. Have student apologize to classmates
i. Makes student feel sympathetic
3. Level 3
a. Permanent seating chart rearrangement
b. Removal of reward previously given
c. Paper about misbehavior not only apologizing but also explaining why they were
acting that way (age specific)
d. Parent-teacher meeting

4. Extreme
a. Office referral

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