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Asslamualaikum Wr Wb

Hai good morning, my name is Fatihatul Zahra

l live in Rasabou, im from class 7-C

l have a brother. He is very good at me, his name is Muhammad Fauzan Adiman as generally
a bother. My brother and i almost look siminar. We both have curly and long hair. My brother
also has the same nose with me. However, although, my brother and i look similar, i had abit
of diferrence. He has a white color while i have brown skin color, my brother is about 20
(Twenty) cm higher than me, his heigth is approximately 170 (One hundred and seventy) cm.
The difference of our age is little. He is 20 (Twenty) years old when i am 13 (threeteen) years
old perhaps that make us close one other. Many people rengar us perhaps that we are twins.
But i think we are a little difference. For example; my brother doesn’t like durian. He hates
that fruit even just smell it could make him vomit. But i really like durian. He love football,
and also my brother is a quiet person when at home while i am an active person who always
moving to seek attention. I love him because he always gave me pocket money.

Okay guys, thata all story about my brother.

Thank you, Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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