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De gemidos a gloria 
3. Nido con espinas y piedras
4. Nido con lana y plumas
5. Llevarte a una conducta madura 
7. Sufrimiento es seguro ;
8. Sufrimiento tiene propósito ;
9. Sufrimiento no se compara con gloria 
11. La mayoría lo resiste, rechaza, resiente 
12. Pocos lo reciben, regocijan y reconocen
14. Como la providencia de Dios
15. Como todo bajo el control
16. Como todo bajo la voluntad y propósito de Dios 
18. Cuando hacen una llave
19. Los dolores de parto
20. 2 cor. 4:17
22. There are many kinds of pain.
23. i) Physical pain
24. ii) Emotional pain
25. iii) Spiritual pain
27. Tornados
28. Huracanes
29. Incendios
30. Inundaciones
31. Sequías
32. Nevadas
33. Terremotos
34. Tsunamis
35. Hambres
36. Pestes
37. Olas d e calor,frió
39. Sufrimiento trae desánimo 
40. Sufrimiento trae duda
41. Sufrimiento trae rebelión 
43. Porque,Dios?
44. Donde esta Dios?
45. Hasta cuando Dios?
47. Atheists and agnostics have suggested the problem of suffering boils down to
48. the following options:
50. (a) God cares but has no power to do anything about it.
51. (b) God has the power to do something about it, but He doesn’t care.
52. (c)There is no God at all.
54. La creación está en esclavitud
55. La criatura está es esclavitud.
56. El cuerpo está en esclavitud
58. We live in a sin-sick world.
59. i) Romans 8:21-22
60. ii) When Adam sinned, he dragged all of creation down with him.
61. (1) This is the corruption of bondage.
62. c) God did not create the world this way; He did not create a sin-sick world.
63. i) God is a good God, and He made everything good. (1) Genesis 1:25
64. God made man perfect.
65. (1) God gave man a gift called choice.
66. (a) God made man perfect and perfectly free.
67. iii) God did not create evil.
68. iv) God gave man choice because God desires that we love Him.
69. (1) The highest good is to love God and to love one another.
70. (2) God does not force us to love Him.
71. (a) Forced love is a contradiction in terms.
72. (b) Forced love is no love at all.
73. (c) In order for us to choose love, we must be able to choose not to love.
74. (3) In order for man to have the ability to choose to love God, he has to have the
ability to choose not to love God; otherwise, there is no choice at all.
75. (4) To not love God is evil.
76. (a) The greatest commandment is to love God with all of our being. (b) The
greatest sin is to not love God.
77. d) When Adam and Eve chose to sin, this world fell into the bondage of
corruption. i) Corruption, like a virus, has infected the entire world.
78. (1) This corruption affects each of us since we are part of this world.
79. e) If God were to step in and destroy evil, God would also be destroying
80. i) If God destroyed freedom, He would destroy the opportunity to love.
81. ii) If God destroyed the opportunity to love, then He would destroy the highest
82. f) Therefore, instead of destroying evil, God defeats evil.
83. i) Jesus Christ, the second Adam, came to this Earth to undo what the first Adam
84. ii) On the cross, Jesus Christ defeated evil with His death.
85. g) The bondage of corruption
86. i) ii)
87. Romans 8:21-22
88. When Adam and Eve sinned, all of God’s creation fell.
89. (1) There came a curse on the animal kingdom.
90. (a) Genesis 3:14
91. (b) What the evolutionist calls the law of the survival of the fittest is creation
92. groaning under the curse.
93. (2) There is a curse on the mineral kingdom.
94. (a) Genesis 3:17
95. (3) There is a curse on the vegetable kingdom.
96. (a) Genesis 3:18
97. (4) There is a curse on the human kingdom.
98. (a) Genesis 1:26
99. (b) Man was meant to have dominion.
100. (c) Man today is morally depraved.
101. (i) Man’s mind is depraved.
102. (ii) Man is emotionally depraved and emotionally disturbed.
103. 1. 2.
104. Adam’s first words after he sinned were, “I was afraid.”
105. God put man in a perfect garden with everything he needed, and now
man is afraid.
106. . Genesis 3:10
107. (iii) Man is spiritually diseased.
108. 1. Romans 5:12 iii) Romans 8:22-23
109. (1) Because our bodies are not yet redeemed, we are not free from pain
and suffering.
111. a) The “adoption” referred to in this passage points to the inheritance of
an adopted child.
112. i) A child adopted into a rich family does not receive the entire sum until
he is old enough.
113. (1) Tomorrow’s conquest bring liberty. b) Ecology cannot fix the
groaning of creation.
114. i) It is tomorrow’s conquest, not today’s energy, that is going to change
this world. c) There will be a new birth for planet Earth when Jesus comes again.
115. i) The animal kingdom will be changed. (1) Isaiah 11:6-9
116. ii) The mineral kingdom will be changed. (1) Isaiah 35:1
117. (a) The Sahara Desert will be like the Garden of Eden. iii) The vegetable
kingdom will be changed.
118. (1) Isaiah 55:13
119. iv) The human kingdom will be changed.
120. (1) Romans 8:23
121. (2) As believers, we are saved and Heaven-bound, but our bodies are not
yet redeemed.
122. (a) Our bodies will be redeemed when we go to Heaven. (b) Our
redeemed bodies will be like Jesus’ glorious body.
123. (i) Romans 8:18
124. d) Tomorrow’s conquest will bring freedom.
125. i) Jesus will turn every tear into a pearl.
126. ii) He will turn every hurt into a hallelujah.
127. iii) He will turn every defeat into a victory.
128. iv) Every Calvary will turn into an Easter when Jesus comes again.
129. 4) TODAY’S COMFORT BRINGS HOPE (Romans 8:24)
131. Hope is something that you do not have in your hand but you know is
132. i) When we have this hope, we understand that the groans we endure are
temporary. The apostle Paul uses the word “groan” three times:
133. i) ii)
134. The groaning of creation
135. (1) Romans 8:22
136. (2) Everything is winding down and decaying; coming apart. The
groaning of the Christian
137. (1) Romans 8:23
138. (2) Some of God’s choicest of saints have suffered. iii) The groaning of
the Comforter
139. (1) Romans 8:26
140. (2) There is One in the glory who groans.
141. (3) We serve a God with tears in His eyes; He loves us and cares.
142. (a) 1 Peter 5:7
143. (4) The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is also called the Paraclete.
144. (a) This means one who is called alongside of us.
145. (b) We do not have to bear our burdens alone.
146. c) Today’s suffering is temporary.
147. i) For believers, all the suffering we will ever know is on this side of the
148. d) The glory that we have is eternal.
149. i) We are prepared for glory.
150. (1) Romans 8:16
151. (2) When pain and suffering come, let the Holy Spirit within you bear
witness with
152. your spirit that you belong to God.
153. ii) We are predestined for glory.
154. (1) Romans 8:28-30
155. (2) Paul speaks of us being in glory in the past tense.
156. (a) It is as good as done.
157. (b) What has been settled in Heaven can never be annulled in time or by
158. iii) Wearepreservedforglory.
159. (1) Romans 8:33-34
160. (2) We can never be separated from our Lord.
161. (a) No fault can condemn us. (b) No foe can conquer us. (c) No fear need
control us.
162. (3) We have a loving Savior who is praying for us right now.
163. e) Romans 8:38-39
165. a) The apostle Paul knew suffering.
166. i) He knew what it was to be beaten.
167. ii) He knew what it was to be imprisoned.
168. iii) He knew what it was to need food, water and clothing.
169. b) Romans 8:18
170. c) We have a choice.
171. i) God has given us a choice just as He gave Adam a choice.
172. d) Jesus Christ suffered, bled and died for you; and He has undone what
the first Adam did
173. in the Garden of Eden. There is no reason for you to miss Heaven and a
174. with a loving Savior.
175. e) Do you know Jesus personally? If not, you can pray to Him today by
asking Him to come
176. into your life.
177. Call upon Jesus today. Repent (turn) from your sins, and turn to Jesus.
Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and acknowledge Him as Lord of your life.
178. i) Romans 3:23
179. ii) Romans 10:9-10
180. iii) Romans 10:13 iv) Acts 16:31
182. Repent
183. Return
184. Predestinados para gloria
185. Preparados para gloria 
186. Preservados para gloria 

1. Dios oye el gemir de Israel

2. Dios oye el gemir de la creación. Isaías 11:6-9
3. Dios oye el gemir de su iglesia. I cor. 15:53
5. No dolores de muerte
6. Son dolores de parto
8. Un hijo natural no lo escoges
9. Un hijo adoptado lo escoges
10. Gloria que ha de ser revelada
11. Gloria que ha de ser manifestada
13. WehavebeenchosenbyGod(beforeweevenknewhewaslookingatourpicture!)
14. b) Then,therewasameeting(oursalvation)
15. c) Then,therewasapledge/guarantee/deposit(theH.S.)
16. d) Now, we eagerly await for our adoptive parent to return!
17. e) And,ourAdoptiveParent(Jesus)eagerlywaitsforus!
18. f) And when Jesus returns He will take us to His house!
19. g) AndwhenwegettoHishousewewillbeapartakerofALLofHisinheritance!
20. h) Butmostimportantly,wearenolongerorphans.WewillfinallyhaveOnetocall our
22. No confíes en personas 
23. No en circunstancias 
24. No en sentimientos 
25. Sólo en Dios, su amor y su bondad
27. Sabemos no esperamos
28. Dios obra no yo
29. Todas las cosas, no algunas cosas
30. Todas las cosas no la mayoría de cosas
31. Para bien no para mal. Gen. 50:20
32. Obran, trabajan para bien, no parecen bien, no se sienten bien, no son bien pero
al final causan bien
33. A los que aman a Dios, no a todos
35. Puedes alabar en una carcel
36. En un pozo
37. En un desierto
38. En un horno
39. En una isla
40. En lo profundo Del Mar
42. If a man loves God, trusts God, & accepts God;
43. If a man feels & knows & is convinced that God is the all-wise & all loving
44. Then he can humbly accept all that God sends to him.
46. Su propósito es hacernos como su hijo 
47. Por dentro y por fuera 
48. Interna y externa 
49. Conforme a su imagen es santificar 
50. Desconfianza 
51. Control
52. Orgullo
53. Egoísmo
54. Duda
55. Dios es bueno y puedes confiar en el
56. Called! - Or chosen, or elected.
57. F. Slide#20c Justified! - To declare to be right.
58. G. Slide#20d Glorified! - This is the “consummation” of salvation!
59. 1. We will be finished w/the process of sanctification!
60. 2. We will finally be free from the presence of sin.
61. 3. We will be given our new eternal incorruptible bodies.
62. 4. We will be with Jesus.
63. a) “It is in the past tense because the final step is so certain in God’s eyes, it is as
good as done!” 
64. Our Predestination is God’s Grace at work before the foundation of the world. 
65. Our Calling is God’s Grace confronting us.
66. Our Justification is God’s Grace making us right w/Himself in the midst of
67. Our Glorification is God’s Grace in the consummation of this age.
69. Que pues diremos?
70. Quien contra nosotros?
71. Como no nos dará también todas las cosas?
72. Quien acusará?
73. Quien condenará?
74. Quien nos separará?
76. Ovejas seguras
77. Ovejas en ventaja
78. Ovejas victoriosas
79. Ovejas inocentes
80. Ovejas amadas.
82. Que diremos a qué todas las cosas obran?
83. Que diremos a qué a los que predestinó?
84. Que somos ovejas seguras.
86. Quien contra nosotros?
87. No es cuestión, es exclamación 
88. The Father is “for us”(31); The Jesus is “for us”(34); The H.S. is “for us”(26).
89. 1. Quien puede dudar que Dios es por nosotros . . . 
90. Ellos le han fallado a Él; pero Él es por ellos. 
91. Ellos son ignorantes; pero Él es por ellos. 
92. Ellos aún no han traído mucho fruto; pero Él es por ellos
93. No importa quien esta contra ti
94. Dios y tu hacen mayoría inconquistable 
96. Dios es solamente por nosotros si nosotros estamos reconciliados a Él por
medio de Cristo Jesús.
98. Istheoppositetrue?“IfGodisagainstyou...whocanbeforyou?”
99. a) And, if they are for you...what does it matter?
100. 2. Pleasethinkthatthroughifyoudon’tknowthismorningthatGodisforyou.
101. a) If He is against you...what then? What will become of you? How will
you face Him? What will become of you in eternity?
102. C. Slide#26-28 Who can be against us? –We really don’t have anything
to fear saints!
103. 1. Ps.27:1TheLORDismylightandmysalvation;WhomshallIfear?
104. the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?
105. 2. Ps.56:4InGodIhaveputmytrust;Iwillnotfear.Whatcanfleshdotome?
106. D. (32) Believer, do you wrongly fear God is against you or angry with
you? 1. Henotonlyisn’tangrywithyou,Heisso“foryou”!:)(32a)
107. 2. Hedidn’tevenholdbackHisownSonforyou!-Didyouhearthat?
108. E. Give us all things - Would God give us the greater thing but not the
lesser? - Would He sacrifice His Son but withhold His possessions from us?
109. 1. GodiscommittedtofreelylavishonusHiscontinuing,unfailinggenerosity!
110. F. Slide#29 So, who can Oppose us? – No one! – We are Advantaged
112. A. A charge = To bring a legal charge against someone.
113. B. Slide#31 Who accuses Christians? – Excuse me, who doesn’t?
114. 1. Satansurelydoes–
theaccuserofourbrethren,whoaccusedthembeforeourGod day and night,
115. 2. TheWorlddoes–
Iftheworldhatesyou,youknowthatithatedMebeforeithated you. Jn.15:18
116. 3. WeChristiansaccuseeachother–
ifyoubiteanddevouroneanother,bewarelest you be consumed by one another!
117. 4. Weevenaccuseourselves–Carryingaroundasenseofguilt&shame.
118. a) But God doesn’t & won’t accuse fact...He has declared us
119. (1) The judge has spoken! – The gavel has fallen! “Not Guilty!”
120. (2) Imagine saying, “wait judge”, “wait!”...after the gavel came
down...“Too late”!
121. C. Slide#32 So, who can Accuse us? – No one! – Because we are
Acquitted Sheep!
123. Well, if no one has the authority to accuse us, then they surely don’t have
the power to condemn us.
124. B. How do you shut down Satan’s condemnations?
125. 1.
126. 3 ways: hard, fast, & continuous!”
127. 2. Weneedtohitour“would-becondemners”4ways:
128. [3] Christ has ascended [4] Christ makes intercession.
129. 3.
Remember,Jesusdidn’tcometomakebadpeoplegood;Hecametobringdead people
back to life!
130. a) This He had to first do Himself!
131. C. Only Jesus has been given the authority to judge humankind!
132. 1.
133. 2. TotheunbelieverHeisJudge.
134. 3. TothebelieverHeisouradvocate,ourdefenseattorney.
135. a) He would never condemn those, for whom He died!
136. 4. So,Christiandon’tbeafraidofHim,nortrytoavoidHim.
137. D. It is Christ that died! – Let not your confidence be in anything else!
138. 1. Iwasdedicatedasababy!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
139. 2. Iwasbaptized!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
140. 3. Iwasconfirmed!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
141. 4. Itithe!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
142. 5. Iwasraisedinthechurch!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
143. 6. Igoonmissionstrips!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
144. 7. Ispeakintongues!–No!ItisChristthatdied!
145. 8. IgotoCM!(hmmm!)-No!ItisChristthatdied!
146. a) Whatever your confidence...“Put them all away!”
147. b) Keep to this one declaration! – “It is Christ who died!”
148. E. Slide#35 So, who can Condemn us? No one! Not even God! Because
we are Conquering Sheep!
Más que vencedores: ¿Cómo es el Cristiano más que vencedor?
· Él vence con un poder más grande, el poder de Jesús
· Él vence con un motivo más grande, la gloria de Jesús
· Él vence con una victoria más grande, sin perder nada aún en la batalla
1. · Él vence con un amor más grande, conquistando enemigos con amor y
convirtiendo a los enemigos con paciencia

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