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Case Study-2

An international survey found that worker performance appraisals featured the U.S. cultural
concept of meritocracy, which emphasises fairness and a short-term orientation. In other
cultures, meritocracy is not commonly involved in performance appraisal, which may
emphasise other factors such as family ties, social status, and perceived loyalty to the
manager or the employing institution. On a comparative basis, Asians tend to share intense
loyalties to their work groups and employing institutions. Performance is directed toward
group success, not individual success. Individual appraisals often conflict with this Notes
group-orientation, causing serious personnel problems. In South Korea, performance
appraisal features worker development, seniority, attitude, loyalty, and initiative. In the
People’s Republic of China (PRC), formal performance evaluations are being introduced in
more progressive institutions, but they tend to evaluate employee dependability, loyalty, and
contributions to the group, as opposed to actual job performance. By contrast, U.S. workers
fully expect to be appraised individually and rely heavily on individual feedback regarding
performance. By way of comparison, performance appraisals in the U.S. are usually
conducted once a year; but, in Japan, developmental appraisal is usually conducted every
month and evaluation appraisal is performed after 12 years. Feedback in the U.S. process is
direct and probably in writing, but the Japanese feedback is subtle and given orally. U.S.
employees tend to present their own rebuttal to the feedback, but Japanese employees never
rebut. In the U.S. appraisal process, praise is given individually, but Japanese praise is given
to the group. Research has also found that U.S. workers react more favourably to individual
performance feedback than English workers do.
1. Taking the example of Tata-Corus, examine the parameters on which the HR manager
will manage the performance of the expatriates in host-country?

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