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Nama : Ersa Salia

Nim : 19020

Ramadhan Expectation

The month of Ramadan is the month that Muslims have been waiting for. The holy month of
Ramadan is a month where glory and blessings are abundant this month. In the month of
Ramadan there are many practices that Muslims can do to get abundant rewards.

This month of Ramadan is different from the usual month of Ramadan where the whole world is
facing the corona virus, which makes us have to run everything from home including this lecture.
I hope this world can return to normal and run things as usual.

In this holy month of Ramadan, I hope to be able to carry out fasting for a full month even
though it is not possible because women are sure to have menstruation every month, can pray 5
times on time, can khatam Al-Quran, can find the night of lailatul qadar where the night of
lailatul qadar is the night better than a thousand months.

And I hope it will be better in terms of hablumminallah and hablumminannas. The relationship
of hablumminallah is to improve the quality of worship again, to carry out the 5 daily prayers by
adding more sunnah prayers at any time. Giving alms and helping the family. From the
hablumminannas relationship, of course, from how to dress, how to speak and how to treat
people better

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