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Franz Julius Adriane Damayo


Lesson 8 : reflection

This chapter looks at racial discrimination in the workplace. In this section, we'll learn about the
effects of workplace segregation, the ethnic problems and barriers that affected countries in the early
twentieth century, why racial prejudices should be addressed in order to achieve workplace
integration, and how to overcome racial discrimination.Discrimination in the workplace has the
potential to harm employee happiness and productivity. Employees' creativity and imagination suffer
as a result of a lack of encouragement at work. When translated straight from the French phrase
"crime de racism ordinaire," racial profiling is sometimes referred to as a "crime of ordinary
racism."Words like "black" and a variety of other comparable terminology are employed implicitly or
surreptitiously all over the place. The primary issue is that because of their physical distinctions, black
people are the first to be discriminated against. Racism, on the other hand, is not confined to
workplace or social interactions between black and white individuals. Racism may be seen in many

And it was in this class when I first heard the BBEE. BBBEE (Broad-based Black Economic
Empowerment) is a government-led integration project in South Africa that aims to reconcile South
Africans and repair apartheid-era injustice by paying Africans for land seized from them.It enables
firms to recruit black workers, invest in black enterprises, and give back to disadvantaged black
communities affected by land restitution. Businesses are awarded points that they may use to
demand a BBBEE accreditation, increasing their chances of winning government contracts. I've heard
that Roma and tourists, Muslims, and people of color, according to the studies mentioned in this
chapter,However, we may eliminate racial bias at work by being a part of the solution, addressing the
problem first before acting, talking to the boss/manager/supervisor before acting, and/or having a
backup plan.

This chapter, as far as I can tell, examines racial issues from many angles. To begin, it looks at the
racial difficulties and obstacles that afflicted countries throughout the first half of the twentieth century.
It looks at the dark era of apartheid, which isolated South Africa from the rest of the country. It
investigates the concept of black economic empowerment in the same location, arguing that racial
prejudice has a negative impact.

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