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In many people's life, death is a source of dread.

Most people will try to avoid talking about

death at all costs. The term itself has the ability to frighten people. Death is a concept that no
living person can comprehend. When live people consider the topic of death, their minds go to
many different locations. Death is a painful experience for many individuals, but it may also be a
blessing. I've witnessed a lot of deaths in my life. I've never had somebody close to me die, but
I've cried over countless deaths that I knew had a severe impact on the people I care about. My
grandfather's death was the first death that had an impact on me. I seriously doubt that science
and technology will ever be able to solve the problem. And, rationally, there appears to be no
need to be terrified of it. Is it, however, effective in reducing our fear? Not at all. I don't believe
there is a single human on this planet who isn't terrified of animals — even if one convinces
himself otherwise, animal fear still exists. And it's possible that it's correct. Because being
indifferent to death has an unpleasant fatalism to it; I have the impression that a man who is truly
indifferent to death will also be pretty apathetic to life. Now that we've shown that it's reasonable
to be terrified of death in this essay about death, the subject of how to approach death with
caution emerges. Death is a delicate subject, so delicate that many people believe it is impolite to
bring it up at all. But it exists, and it is better to look at what you despise rather than be startled
by it, no matter how uncomfortable this thought may be for some individuals.

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