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after learning the force and motion, let see what you’ve learn so far?

We ready a 10 question quiz about

the topic. But before we proceed on 10 item quiz lets have a short recall about force and motion

here are some important terms for us to remember this Branches of Science.

Physics is about how things moves. you can see it everywhere. Indoor or outdoor.

We have Motion, it is movement from one place to another. For example running in a straight line
motion to the tree. There are different types of motion like (up and down, straight line, round and round
motion, zigzag and back and forth) generally speaking, motion is a move from one place to another.
Whenever a body is moving, we say it in motion.

Force, activities that can either set an object in motion, shifts in direction, change its shape, or putting
an object back in to the resting position and that movement of push and/or pull applied on an object is
called Force

Next we have the law of motion proposed by Isaac Newton.

First law states that the object will remain at rest or in a uniform motion in a straight line unless acted
upon by an external unbalanced force.

Second law of motion states that, Acceleration of an object depends on mass of the object and the
amount of force applied.

In mathematical computation of second law of motion we have the equation of

FORCE = MASS X ACCELERATION. Force is measured in Newton. Mass measured In kilogram and
Acceleration in meter per second squared. If we are looking for Mass or Acceleration, we only derive
the equation for us to get what we want to get.

This 2nd law of motion states also, in order to move the object, force must be applied, the greater the
force, the quicker it accelerates.

And last the 3rd law of motion states that, for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. This is
also known as law of interaction. If we recall the example earlier on example no. 2 in 3 rd law of motion,
the skateboard moving forward because you are pushing the ground backward or in a opposite

Now let’s proceed to the quiz. ARE YOU READY?

1. A-remain in motion 6. B-Newtons

2. C-Isaac Newton 7. A-Force

3. B-2nd law 8. A-1st law

4. C-Inertia 9. B-For every action

5. C-3rd law 10. C-63.69kg

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