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Prompting for user input

The following example shows how you can use prompts to explain what the user should enter.
michel ~/test> cat

# This is a program that keeps your address book up to date.


echo "Hello, "$USER". This script will register you in Michel's friends database."

echo -n "Enter your name and press [ENTER]: "

read name
echo -n "Enter your gender and press [ENTER]: "
read -n 1 gender

grep -i "$name" "$friends"

if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "You are already registered, quitting."
exit 1
elif [ "$gender" == "m" ]; then
echo "You are added to Michel's friends list."
exit 1
echo -n "How old are you? "
read age
if [ $age -lt 25 ]; then
echo -n "Which colour of hair do you have? "
read colour
echo "$name $age $colour" >> "$friends"
echo "You are added to Michel's friends list. Thank you so much!"
echo "You are added to Michel's friends list."
exit 1

michel ~/test> cp /var/tmp; cd /var/tmp

michel ~/test> touch friends; chmod a+w friends

michel ~/test>

Hello, michel. This script will register you in Michel's friends database.
Enter your name and press [ENTER]: michel
Enter your gender and press [ENTER] :m
You are added to Michel's friends list.

michel ~/test> cat friends

Note that no output is omitted here. The script only stores information about the people Michel is
interested in, but it will always say you are added to the list, unless you are already in it.
Other people can now start executing the script:
[anny@octarine tmp]$
Hello, anny. This script will register you in Michel's friends database.
Enter your name and press [ENTER]: anny
Enter your gender and press [ENTER] :f
How old are you? 22
Which colour of hair do you have? black
You are added to Michel's friends list.

After a while, the friends list begins to look like this:

tille 24 black
anny 22 black
katya 22 blonde
maria 21 black
--output omitted--

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