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3/2/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.


ASUC-00470-6677-VV1-201900-V00 / Unidad I / Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Comenzado el sábado, 19 de enero de 2019, 15:10

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 19 de enero de 2019, 15:39
Tiempo 29 minutos 22 segundos
Calificación 13,50 de 20,00 (68%)

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta Puntúa 4,50 sobre 5,00

Mark true of false for the following sentences about the video:

Example: Jack’s not at the café   T

The meeting was at the park at 6, did they?    F 

Daisy found out that her mother travelled in business class.  T 
According Daisy’s mother Daisy’s father was always on time   F 
Daisy was walking at the park when Al e appeared  F 
Al e wants to know if Daisy’s mother is working in India at the moment  F 
Daisy told Al e that her mother is working in a hotel in Brazil  F 
Al e thinks Daisy’s mother’s opened her blog just in the right time   T 
Daisy’s mother’s job is a boring one according to Al e   F 
Daisy saw Jack with one of his male cousins  F 
Daisy was upset at the end  T  1/3
3/2/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta Puntúa 3,00 sobre 5,00

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb, about the video. DO NOT USE
Example: Daisy     is       in a café while she      phones        Jack (be / phone)
She does not know  where Jack is  at the moment. (not know / be)
She is upset because Jack  does not come  . (not
(not come)
Daisy  asked  her mother if her last journey  was  fantastic. (ask  / be)
Her mother, Sophie,   asked   if Daisy   was   OK at that moment. (ask
(ask / be)
Daisy’s father  was    always late when he  dated    Daisy’s mother.(be/
(be/ date)
At the very moment, Al e  appeared  ,  Daisy   said  “Speak soon” to nish the call with Sophie.
(apper/ say)
At the moment, Al e really thought   Sophie’s job  was    really amazing. (think/
(think/ be)
Hotels  invite    Sophie to  write    about them so she travels around the world and visit   
amazing places. (invite/
(invite/ write/ visit)
Daisy´s mother  travels   a lot and   works  in many countries when she was a teacher. (travel
(travel / work)
Before leaving, Daisy   said    she was OK although she   saw    Jack with Emilia when Al e asked.  (say/

Pregunta 3
Parcialmente correcta Puntúa 3,00 sobre 5,00

Word Order: Put the words in the correct order.

since// married / Jorge / Lupe / has / Mexico / in / he / lived
Jorge has lived in Mexico since he married Lupe

every day / loaves of / to buy 20 / bread for / they need/ his restaurant 
 Every day they need to buy 20 loaves of bread for his restaurant. 

one toilet in / building / he is / that house / each level in.

 He is building one toilet each level in that house. 

travel in / they hardly ever / by boat / the jungle  

They hardly ever travel in the jungle by boat. 

town through / he is /the beautiful / trying to / girls in / contact all / WhatsApp

 He is trying to contact all the beautiful girls in town through WhatsApp

at the / she seems / to be / bank now / paying something

 She seems to be paying something at the bank now. 

corrección a They hardly ever travel in the jungle  by boat. 2/3
3/2/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 4
Parcialmente correcta Puntúa 3,00 sobre 5,00

Copy the sentences you hear.

1. You do not like going out with your classmates. 

2. My sister hates cooking, but she likes watching and cleaning. 
3. Yes. Nobody can answer the phone during working hours. 
4. Jhon almost never goes to the cinema because he prefers playing bas
5. Is she wearing that expensive watch to the coming reception? 

◄ self-assessment exercises week 2 (ejercicios de autoevaluación semana 2)

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