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16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.


ASUC-00471-11103-VV2-201910-V00 / Unidad 1 / Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Comenzado el sábado, 1 de junio de 2019, 16:05

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 1 de junio de 2019, 17:03
Tiempo 57 minutos 39 segundos
Calificación 13,00 de 20,00 (65%)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1st Example: I’m not a fan of their logo. I think they ______ changed it years ago.
(a) could have
(b) would have
(c) must have
(d) should have

Pregunta 1
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

I can’t believe you met Steve Jobs in person. That _______ been amazing!

Seleccione una:
a. must have

b. couldn't have

c. might have

d. should have

La respuesta correcta es: must have 1/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 2
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Do you think we _______ avoided the engine accident if we had taken greater precaution?

Seleccione una:
a. should have

b. must have

c. might not have

d. could have

La respuesta correcta es: could have

Pregunta 3
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Our new pump is exactly what we needed. We _______ asked for a better machine.

Seleccione una:
a. shouldn't have

b. wouldn't have

c. couldn't have

d. may have

La respuesta correcta es: couldn't have

Pregunta 4
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The engineer _______ been at the plant last night. He’s not even in the country. He ew to Japan
yesterday morning.

Seleccione una:
a. shouldn't have

b. might not have

c. couldn't have

d. may not have

La respuesta correcta es: couldn't have 2/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 5
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

The security team has several ideas about what _______ caused the re.

Seleccione una:
a. should have

b. might have

c. wouldn't have

d. would have

La respuesta correcta es: might have

Pregunta 6
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

I’m not completely convinced of his innocence. I think he _______ been involved.

Seleccione una:
a. must have

b. should have

c. might have

d. must not have

La respuesta correcta es: might have

Pregunta 7
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

You _______ mentioned it in front of the rest of the team. I would have talked to him in private
about it.

Seleccione una:
a. would have

b. should have

c. shouldn't have

d. could have

La respuesta correcta es: shouldn't have 3/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 8
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Kurt ________ slept much last night. He looks awful and is on his third cappuccino.

Seleccione una:
a. must not have

b. must have

c. wouldn't have

d. could have

La respuesta correcta es: must not have

Pregunta 9
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

They said they were going to pick us up at 7 p.m. I think they _______ taken a wrong turn

Seleccione una:
a. should not have

b. may have

c. must not have

d. would has

La respuesta correcta es: may have

Pregunta 10
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Did I do the right thing? Is it what you ________ done?

Seleccione una:
a. could have

b. must have

c. would have

d. should have

La respuesta correcta es: would have 4/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

1st Example:         1. What is the meaning of the word pre x?
(a) a word within a word
(b) a group of letters put before a root word which changes its meaning
(c) a group of letters put at the end of a root word which changes its meaning

Pregunta 11
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which of these is the correct spelling? We had a ________

Seleccione una:
a. dissagreement

b. disagrement

c. disagreement

La respuesta correcta es: disagreement

Pregunta 12
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Which of these is the correct spelling? That dress is very ________

Seleccione una:
a. colourful

b. colourfull

c. colorful

La respuesta correcta es: colourful

Pregunta 13
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

The word pre-war means?

Seleccione una:
a. during the war

b. before the war

c. after the war

La respuesta correcta es: before the war 5/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 14
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

What does the word tireless mean?

Seleccione una:
a. always feeling tired

b. feeling less tired than someone else

c. never feeling tired

La respuesta correcta es: never feeling tired

Pregunta 15
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

If you wanted to say someone is not helpful, which word would you use?

Seleccione una:
a. inhelpful

b. helpfulless

c. unhelpful

La respuesta correcta es: unhelpful

Pregunta 16
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

If you wanted to compare two bags of shopping, what would you say?

Seleccione una:
a. this one is lightest than that one

b. this one is lighter than that one

c. this one is lighted than that one

La respuesta correcta es: this one is lighter than that one 6/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 17
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

If you heard that a band had re-formed, what would this mean?

Seleccione una:
a. formed for the rst time

b. formed for the last time

c. formed again

La respuesta correcta es: formed again

Pregunta 18
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Which of these words means 'not sure'

Seleccione una:
a. undone

b. dissure

c. uncertain

La respuesta correcta es: uncertain

Pregunta 19
Finalizado Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

If you take away the pre x and the su x, what is left of the word 'unemployed'?

Seleccione una:
a. employ

b. unemploy

c. employed

La respuesta correcta es: employ 7/8
16/6/2019 Academic Assignment N° 1 (producto académico No.1)

Pregunta 20
Finalizado Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

Which su x can you not add to the root word box to make a new word?

Seleccione una:
a. ful

b. es

c. ing

La respuesta correcta es: ful

◄ self-assessment exercises week 2 (ejercicios de autoevaluación semana 2)

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