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1) The human ability for observation and socialization must come first in the link

between society and science. Using capabilities as a starting point, we might

picture how our species' route to social and scientific complexity evolved over
time. The easiest approach to convey the fundamental principles of how society
and science affect one another is to say that society creates issues, and science is
one answer to those problems. Science addresses issues, yet the remedies it
provides will cause problems in society. As a result, science and society have a live

2) Yes, it aided in the expansion of the economy. Scientific literacy allows

individuals to look for ways to affect the world instead of accepting it as it is. As a
result, research aids the economy by preparing people to come up with new ways
to solve problems.

3) Not just my life, even our generation was changed by science and technological
innovations. It changed the way we use things like electricity, the use of plastic,
modern agriculture and modern medicine which helps us in many ways.

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