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Gurjot Khera


604 - 782 - 5788 | KHERAGURJOT@GMAIL.COM

Mr. Jay Lee

Creekside Coffee Factory
20202 66 Ave #1c, Langley, BC V2Y 1P6

Dear Mr. Lee,

I recently heard from some friends that there was an opening for the position of coffee barista. As a
so-called coffee connoisseur, I immediately thought about applying for this role. Not to mention that
as an avid customer of Creekside Coffee, I feel that I understand the calm and welcoming
environment that Creekside Coffee inhabits and because I understand the culture so well I believe I
can exhibit that for future customers.

I have previous experience working as a receptionist at Langley Chrysler and A-1 Trusses among
other jobs which are listed on my resume as well. The skills learned throughout the course of these
two jobs have taught me a lot about the service industry and dealing with customers one on one. I
feel as though I have learned a plethora of skills that transfer to the skills needed to be an amazing
coffee barista such as paying attention to detail, multitasking, teamwork and to always be radiating
positive energy.

I am a fast and adaptable learner and am eager to meet for an interview soon so we can talk about
your expectations of what an outstanding employee looks like as I hope to meet and ultimately
exceed these expectations. Overall thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this and
consider me as a prospect for the position of a coffee barista.


Gurjot Khera

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