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PSYCHIC UAGTC - Page 4. Supreno iingic, Bideford, Dovon. Beck in 1937, Ormoné MoGil1 wrote a group of articles for TOPS under the title of "The Psychic Girele". ‘The continued respect which this serivs hos enjoyed through the years speaks volumes for both tho vitolity of Mr. McGill's writing and for Mogicions! intorost in PSYORTC MAGIC, And yet, such interest is bub naturel, for the whole art of tho conjuror is based en n love of forning the impossible nd knowing the unknowablo, and who moze then Megiclans ean profitably evail thouselves of oxciting auazonents. In this course, you will unquestionably find much that is uystory and such that is entertaining. PERCY ABBOT "PSYCHIC MAGIC” is publishod in Greet Britain and Copyright by The Suprone Nagle Co., 64, High Strect, Bideford, Devon, by arrengenent vith The Abbott Magic Company of Anorica. PSYCHIC MAGIC - Pa 2 5. Supreme Magic, Bideford, Devons Introdu When the late Theodore Anncmann made’ the statement that mental and psychic effects were the most grown-up form of Magic, he spoke the truth. But while it is true that intellectually such mystery is the most meture Magic, omotionally it is the most naive. And fas proof, one could hardly conceive of the most innocent spectator giving credence beyond entertaining trickery to any other form of conjuring, while many have been the sophisticated who have expressed belief in Psychic Magic. For there is wish-fulfillment here; an underlying hope that somewhere deep within the mind thero may be some mysterious powers that will in some measure help in the mastering of the countless problems that constantly porplex in the hazardous art of living. And there's a question mark here; on one side we have the readily demonstrable "tests" of the mindresder, and on the other the leboricus tests of the researcher. When wo consider such men as J. B. Rhine of Duke University diligently experimenting and daily proving new horizons in man's psychological make-up, wo begin to realize tho deep respect Psychic Magic deserves. And then there is the testimony accumulated through the entire history of mankind that ungualifiedly asserts the human mind's most remarkable and highly subtle abilities; abilities that endow man with a heritage of truly Magic-like powers. It ie doubtful if the Magician oxists who has not in the course of his experiences been besieged tc explain or discuss psychical miracles, or asked to denonstrate some exemples of the phenomena, Qf guoh is tho basis, of such ig the appeal, of such is the entertainment of Psychic Magic. Now, the great majority of works on psychical subjocts tend largely toward attempting to prove a cousation belie? of the author through case histories, confirming sies, and ingenious theory. From such works, this book diffors radically, for while it leans a sympathetic oar to tho possibility of genuine psychic powers and even proposes some experimonting along those lines, it has but one purpose - and that purpose is to provide Magicians ost unusuel material with which thoy can entertain - at, indecd, offers the vory cream of PSYCRIC MAGIC. ft t | PSUCHTG MAGTC ~ Page 6 Supreme fa Bivefora, Devon. OUR PSYCHIS POWERS = S a [fk Pez, fF = yp Pe What gives Peyote Mogie such a wealth sf eneher thet’ Lies in the fact that dt is an imitation through illusion cf yet sno vher form ef aystery = peychionl phenomena, I? 1S MAGTO PORTRAYING HAGIG! Let ue first, therefore, tabulate, in the order in which we shall consider then, the varietivs of the wonders 36 simlotes +... ‘and then proceed to the actual production of such wonders. TELEPATHY: Thoaght Traneference ~ Mindreading ~ the ability to tronssit s thought directly from mina © a thonght mentali read the minds of ssyehical ning, to project through epace, to Peeeive a thought, to accurately CLAIRVOYANGE: Divining ~ ge nenetrate the seexcts cf n: and behind in time ond yet see arship - the peyehical ability to and matter Mrectly, to jonk ahend f man hve not pace, ace what the yes CRYSTAL GAZING: A fora or teshnique of c! peyohic "aecing" is extern: through the redium of 1 ory ized from the mind snd onde visual 1 balls PSYCHOMETRY: Tho technique cf interpreting ond reconstructing from the paychie “omenstion" clinging to sn object the original source, history, or experience productive of the redivisony KeRAY VISION: 4 unique form of elatrvoy: peychic ig able to eee without the use of the sight from portions of the body power in whieh the o bility of nther thon the eyes; eyesight that penstrates msttor. ANIMAL MAGNETISNGs A subtlo emnnntion or force said t pass from ong enimon organtsn to uthor objects, si ni inaninate, deing considered a radintion produced from and vy tic mind and body, and by heving lews similre te those of magnetiam, hune: 2 ine name, snimel magnetism, PSYCHIC PHENOMENA? Phoncnena of the ain group of supernormal abilitice classified ro scul, boing thet psyohic. PSYGUTG MAGIC - Page 7 Suproue Magic, Bideford, Devons AVIOMATIC WRETING: The ability to produce eub-conscious writing that contains infornation not know to the conscious mind; ancthor mems of extornnlizing psychic powers. TRANCE PHRNOWTIIAL which the psychic utmost. A condition physically resembling sleep, in culties are perked and made manifest to their ASTRAL PROITGTION; The ability to send forth the etherie self; a method of clairvoyance; nstrel or magnetic radiation; the human auras SPIRI? MANIPESTATIONS: Comuunication from the other side of the gewe; netivities of spirits of the dend or cntities of the unknown. BGQOPLASM: A subtle psyetie exerotion gaia to he iho substance through which spirits minifest end matorializes TABLE TIEPING, GYRATING, TURNING: A mona of establishing communication with spirits threugh the manffostation of rappings on or by movenonts in n table. TSE PSYCHIC CIAcll A group enthered together, a unit of minds set with a common purpose of uniting in the development of poychic povere or the production of psychic phonomenne EAST UNDIAN MYSTERY - YOOT wystorics = Yoga: A type of payehient phenomena usually nsaociated with the ecntre1 of the functions of the body by tho mind. PEYSICAL PHENOMENA: Direct 9: manifestation of telekin ohie control over physical objexts osia, parakinesis. IBVITATION: The psyehin lifting, clevating, 1 floating of en object in defi: law of gravity. f weight, or ee to the normal working of the OCCULT EXPERDIENTS: Psychic or Peychicn1 Huperi Eyporiments of 1 poyohle or ayetical nature. enting = THE PENDULUM: A device agoxedited vith supernormal powers for the penetenting and the sclving of the known nnd the unknown in natures ALL of these manifestctions of our seychie powers, as Meted, ere obviously very unusucl oscurances, and ne sugh lend thonselves wonderfully te cur thomos of Payehio Nogic. In fact, it is in PSYCETC MAGIC ~ Page & Suprone Mogi, Bideford, Dovons ‘he simulating of these supernortal forces that Peychio Magia has ite origin, end the more perfect the simulation, the nore porfoct the presentation of the Psychic Magic. So wo shall parsue in our studies es a matter of the production of genuine psychic occurance (Miracle) together with simulated payehic occurence (Miracle") - for it is im the skilful blending of the pseudo with tho outhentic, that is found the real basis Fox Payonio Marie's rightful place in the ART OF ENTERTATNIEND. PSYCHIC MAGTU - Pago 9 Supreme Mngin, Bideford, Devons CONTACT TaLRP ATHY jl Telepathy cecupies Such at importent an entire section cf Maric has aevelc phenomena. eeition in mystery that od ta scontngly produce the The idoa that a thought cen be transferred from one mind to encther, independent cf any of the wstablished five sensca = sight, hoaring, swell, taste, and touch - is unquestionably one of the foremost poychic questicns under consideration today. And by far the great majority of the gcnercl public secm to hold faith in the exiatence of such a faculty; many pointing with pride to some personel experience along such Ines. But the cultivation of tele thie powers is such @ rerity that the Magician who apparently dononstratcs complete mastery of the gift ie very much a figure of nwo. Hence, to entortainnent ends, telepathy becomes a highly valuable commodity with which to experiment. Perhaps one of the most intercsting of telopathic acts svnilable to tho magical entertninor is that phase of mindreading know os Contuot Tolopathy, in which the porforner appears to be able te reecive thought messages From o subject ond perf: retained nots through a various nontally eve grasp of 9 hand on his arm. A number of performers have nade onvinble repu through this cne feat and several very worthewhile books, ouch as "Gontnot Mind- reading” by Dariel Fitzkoo and "Hollstronian" by Robert Nelson have been written dotailing experiments with this fascinating technique. Gontact Telepathy ia truly = vory worth-while skill to caltivate, for not only doca 1 provide wonderful entertainment in itself, but it alec furnishes » rondily demmnstrable exhibition thet coi near tc genuine mindresding as anything yet discovered. In typical de is blindfolded and stration of Contact Telepathy, the Magician scorted from the reom. In his absence, the PSYCRIC MAGIC - Page 10. vio, Bideford, Devons mdience takes some etaple object, a pencil, ond hides it someplace in the ron Being re performer x a volunteer +o step for= worile Ho that tho volunteor is tc concentrate very intently right wrist, thot he will then obtain an inpreasion direotly fron the mind Af the subject, and if the ox- perinent is % success, he will notunily Inente the hidden objects The volunteer bogins to concentrate, and the Heaician proceeds to draw hin forverd, lending hin fren spot to spot abcut the room until he miragulcusly Ioartes the hidden object. How ean such 2 fost be socomplished. Is it telepathy? Well, not necessarily sc, but thero nay be a rolationship, as we shell later observe. However, for these initinl experinenta, lot's seck the simplest explanation we can find - and Payohologist Williom James has an snawor for the phencmona in his ddec-anter theory. This principle of ideo-mctor action is based on the promise that every idea held strongly in the mind tonds to produce uncon- scicag movemonts {mn the muscles «f the body. Thus, the volunteer gripping tho Magician's wrist, actually uneonsétously, lende hin directly to the hidden chjecl. OF ocu these muscular "cues" are go slight ao 10 be atagiztely invisible te both the volunteer and the eudience, only the sindivd skill of the performr making their interpretntion possible, You can toat and obscrve cn cxamplo of this ideo-motor action ns simple device ealled To construct thie, merely Lag ‘ n foctelength of oteing YL YM and hota" the opposite end of the otxing hem J ‘Wyoon the thus ond forefinger of your sieht hand, letting the ring dangle freely - See @) Fig. be > Hold the ring us stilt ne you ean and thon {9 think to yourself tho Ld.a of At commencing to swing from right to left, from right to left. Ins snment, the ring wil sotnally bogin to so owny, soominaly of its om ve Now, walle continuing to think of it so swinging, dcliterstely try to hold your arn perfectly still sesand yet, the ring continuca to eving. Next, change your thought to the iden of th ing commoneing te swing arcund and orcund in a circle... and, in direct reayouce ts your thoughta, the ring stops tts back—ond-frrth path onl dewins to swing inn elrelos So mish for on oxporinont with Chevroul's Pendulum. The import- ant fact for you to note ia thn’ the ring develops its swinging motion entirely indenendent 2f any conscious movement on your party the musewler response thet produces tho owcy boing entirely the produet of wioonscicus musculnr movenent. Such is the working of ideo-noter seticn = the principe] of Contact Telepathy. PSYOHTC WaGTG - Powe 11. Supreme Wain, B2@eford, Devons In tho test abcut to be described, sbscrve how idoo-notor setion splice not cnly to the lorgo’ muselos in movement, but oven works dcwn throuzh to the minute masoles eurrounding the blood vessels. Thought Diggornnent Some years back, the late Joseph Ovetto narketed this cffest under the tithe of "Yeet Power", Tt waa not an original item with him, but it proved a nystery well worth knowing. The effoct is simply that the alagician holds a hand of 9 spectator in cosh of His own = Sco Fig. 2 = then the spectator te told to concentrate pon either of his hands, and the performer instantly divines which hond is boing thought of. Tho method is that whilo ho aolas each of the speatator's hands, his Pingors rest on the wrist-pulse cf enh hand - Seo Fig. 3, With your forefinger ao resting just undor iis thanbs, you oan distincty ly feel the pulse beat in each wrist. xt, request the volunteer 40 clear Mis mind of all thoughts and to close his cyes. At the same time you close your eyes, as you seerctly take careful tab on his pulse dents and establish the Renerel fool of their rhythns. Yow suddenly request the subject to think of ono of his henda, either the right or the left. Inmedintely he centros his thought in the direction of one of bis hande, the rhythm of the pulse beat in that mrist chongos} it will tond to slow down, skip a beat or two, and will then spoed up rapidly. Exact details of the change naturally vary with the individual, but you can easily duteot the change, So merely Lift up the hand in which you note the effect with tho menark, "This is the hand of which you were thinking.” For an initial expertment 4n Gontect Telepathy, before we attenpt fn nore gcuplicated teat of locating 9 hidden object, try this next Secure p volunteor who ig sertous about tho experiment and h hin remove any five curds from a deck, hola them in a fan, with the face toward hinsolf, directly in front of his eyes - See Fig. 4+ Now ask him to mentally select any one of the cards, inatructing ESYGHIG WAGIG - Pogo 12. Suprene Msgic, Bideford, Devon. hin to geip your right wrist firmly end to concentrate intentiy on his one particuler chosen card - See Fig. 5. As you give these Instructions, reise your right hand up above the fan of cards, Pnuso » moment, ond stress the fact thet he must think intently of his card, thon sudfenly lot your hand drop dom: to the fanned cards, ond the first card your fingers touck nove fron the fone It will ke the locted_card Remenbor, in lowering your fingers tw the tons of the Tonned cards, in no way sttenpt to guess ob which of the five earis he is thinking. Just keop ning passive and let your hand deseend froely, elaost es though it wore drop- ping of its om accord. Although the volunteer will nover remlize it, his concentration on hig onrd will outowatiodtly direet hia nuaclos ao that they uncon- soiously lead your hend to the desired card. Lot ug now consider » ncre advanced performance of this phenomoncn. gdon Qbjcet Test While you are ont of the room, neve someone hide an article. You then roturn and potters tan article has becn hidden in this rorm by you, Sire Kindly keep the location of that article firaly fixed in your mina, firet, by keoping yvur attention on the plac upon + whore it is eoncesled, and then article itself. 322 others in the room can do likewino and aasist in the oxperiment by concentrating their minds, too, upon the article and its location." Mow cxtond your right hand out flat with its prin dom, and have the spectator rest ef hia hands palm UP below dt and his other hand on ite top. Your right hend is thus gently squoozed betweon both of his ~ Sea Fig. $ - 19 you continue your introductory sonnontss pathy reats trenuaitter of in radio, the tro mst be attuned intently as you can to try PSYCHIC MAGIC = Page 13. Bupreno Magic, Bideford, Devon. ond project your thought through spree to no, ond ofnco I can porally obtain but one thought at a time, Gonoentento tke thier Keep the loeeticn of thet article for in your mind, and WELL na toward it, ater oy Tan to move forward, think to yourself, 6 forwera", cver and over. If Tan to tum tr the right » "Turn right, tum vight, turn rignt" in your mind the montal command that T 3 ce we get nerr the spot vhore the article is hidden, ute on direating ny hend so it will nove oxnetly as ig necessnry to find the hidden cbjoot, thinking either tht it nove up, or dow, or right or loft, en the case may bes And when we loonte the hidd ject, then ciatand oo mentally to olose ny hand wnder: Ginke the subjcot confira that ho understands or explain f } Goodt Just rononber you are to dirs ontally, ste ep, to wherever Tan to go..+.e.willing me to move as you montally dircet. T shall do my very best to transmit powerfully to me!" Witn such an introduction the subject is inpreseed with hie duties snd is uade 23 respensibla for the success of the experinent as you ore. to where the Li suddenly Suddenly move will willingly he will tend to hang ala grip on your hand, your hand may press gontly in on your hané, opidly, swaying a bit from right band you vense a Yona" fr hand pressure upon yours. hen you going tion, his hande will ‘tend tc press in tighter upon yours, and be will oven unconaeicualy urge you forward as he oogerly fallcwa, But whon you are wrong, the proscure of hie hands will Lienten end you senso a "holding back" ulac Koop your novemente smooth and flowing, occasionally telling him te omcontrate on tho Iceation of the object, and tc direst you montaily step by stop, how yon are to move. thinking forward if you are te go ferward, or backward, right or left, as the nocd nay bee tort ido ponent ond you At this point y bject is hidden feck nn inmilne to start cut in nheade If the impulse de correct, yu follew along with you, but if you are wrong back, and owing to the fiat p o free of his. moving forward. Ho And 90 you proceed, the volunteer unccnsciously dircetly ts the lovation cf tho hidden object, your "cuc" always ‘eine that when you are preceeding in the right direction, he follows readily, vhile if you are wrong in your direction he uncon~ sclrusly resists your moveront, In cther words, follow the ccurse guiding you

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