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The tools used in this practicum are stainless steel, electric oven, desiccator, measuring cup,
erlenmeyer, dropper, solution bottle, blender, and spectrophotometer.

2. The materials used in this practicum are standard stock solution, aquadest, HNO3 solution, and filter

The determination of Fe content is carried out by various analytical methods, including the atomic
absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) method. To be able to use this method, the digestion stage is first
carried out. Digestion is a treatment to dissolve or change the sample into a measurable form of
material so that the elements in it can be analyzed. In this experiment, wet digestion is used because in
general wet digestion can be used to determine elements with low concentrations.

At this stage of digestion, the sample is first dried in an oven with the aim of removing the moisture
content in the sample to be analyzed, then the sample to be analyzed is mashed using a blender. Then
added with a solution of HNO3 as a digestion Pen, because theoretically HNO3 is a strong oxidizer and
can accelerate the oxidation reaction and can accelerate the digestion process. HNO3 solution can
dissolve or destroy the metals in the sample because nitric acid can stabilize the metals to be analyzed.
After that the solution is left overnight in order to dissolve and break organic bonds, then the solution is
heated to help speed up the process of dissolving or breaking organic bonds. Furthermore, the sample
was diluted and the results of the dilution were analyzed using AAS. After that, analysis and calculation
of the iron content contained in the kale stem samples are carried out.

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