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Qualified Practice- Session 8

Sección : 13599 Apellidos : Carrasco Calcina, Angela
Docente : Ma.Rosa Ñaña Baquerizo UnidadIII Nombres Fecha Collachagua Gamion, Fiorella
Palomino Cangalaya, jean

: ………………………………………….
: .…../……/2021-10

I. Propósito: Define en inglés puntos importantes acerca del tema: “FIRST AID”
II. Actividad o tareas a desarrollar:
- Lee detenidamente las preguntas planteados
- Responde a las preguntas realizando el trabajo en equipo.

1. What is First Aid?

Is the first and the emergency or immediate assistance given to any person suffering from
either a minor or serious illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the
condition from worsening, or to promote recovery.

2. What treatment does a victim who´s life threatening condition is “not breathing”need?

The treatment victim needs is administer CPR; first lay the person on his or her back, second give
chest compressions, third tilt head slightly and finally breathe into the person's mouth.

3. What is the best treatment for all heart attack victim?

The best treatment for all heart attack victim is first call SAMU, second make victim
comfortable, third check and ask if the person takes any chest pain medicine for a known
heart condition and help them take it, and finally don't give stimulants.

4. After you have surveyed an accident scene and provided for your own safety you should:
5. To treat a first degree burn you should.

6. Describe the CPR technique for an adult.

7. Your check of the scene suggest that a victim has suffered an electrical shock. The first thing to
do is………

1.-Turn off the electric current

Find the breaker and / or fuse box to stop electrical current damage
2.- Separate the victim
Remove the victim from contact with the source of electricity that caused the accident, never touch it
without protection, because you can also be electrocuted and check the signs of it.
3.- Apply first aid
Ask for help from the medical services before starting with the first aid application, they will tell you what
to do. Electrocutions generally cause unconsciousness, burns, and other symptoms associated with
You will likely have to use CPR to resuscitate the patient.
8. Which should be part of your care for a severely bleeding open wound?
1. Wash your hands and wear disposable gloves, if possible without latex.
2. Clean the wound from the center outwards with sterile gauze. Use soap and water or saline solution.
3. Assess whether to use an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine. The use of povidone iodine (Betadine),
hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or mercury derivatives (Mercromina) is not recommended.
4 If there are visible foreign bodies, they will be removed by pouring plenty of water. If their removal is
difficult, they should not be manipulated to remove them.
5. Protect the wound with a dressing, band-aid, or bandage. Avoid using cotton as it sticks to the wound.
6.If it continues to bleed, in a minor way, put pressure on the wound. If the wound is in an extremity,
elevate it. Maintain pressure and elevation for about ten minutes.

9. Which would you do when caring for seizure victim?

1. Have the victim lie on his back, or on his side, in case of vomiting.
2.Put something soft under the head because the shaking could hit the head against the ground. Also,
remove sharp objects and thirdly, don't put anything in your mouth.
3. After doing all the first aid advice, take the sick person to a health center or hospital or better yet so that
more staff can evaluate the victim.

10. What should be the first concern at the scene where a person has been seriously burne
1. Make sure the burned person is breathing. If necessary and if you know how to do it, begin rescue
2.Protect the area from the burn. Use a cool, damp bandage or clean cloth.
3.Don't immerse a severe and extensive burn in water. This could cause severe loss of body heat
4. Pay attention to signs and symptoms, including fainting, paleness, or very obvious shallow breathing.

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