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I will ‘describe a ‘rather ‘famous ‘street market. That is the ‘Da Lat ‘night market.

This ‘market is ‘located in the

‘center of ‘Da Lat city ‘where tourists ‘come here ‘can’t miss it.

The ‘first time I ‘came here, I was ‘surprised at ‘how crowded it was. The stalls ‘stretch on ‘both ‘sides of the
road with a ‘variety of items ‘such as ‘souvenirs, clothes and ‘specially ‘dishes of Da Lat. But I was ‘especially
‘impressed with the ‘dried fruits’ here. ‘My friends and I ‘went around the’ stalls and ‘selected ‘unique
‘handmade items as ‘gifts for relatives.

The ‘area of the market is ‘not ‘too large, but it ‘becomes a ‘symbol of ‘Da Lat city. You ‘know, a ‘special thing
that you ‘must try when ‘coming ‘this ‘night market is ‘drinking a ‘glass of ‘hot ‘red wine in the ‘cold ‘weather
of Dalat. ‘That feeling is ‘amazing! The ‘friendliness of the people here will ‘also ‘make you ‘feel ‘more cozy.

I ‘think that ‘street market is ‘one of the ‘cultural beauties ‘attracting tourists and ‘Da Lat ‘night market is an
‘example for that. I ‘hope I can ‘come back here and ‘enjoy ‘great moments with ‘my friends in the ‘future.

Feelings= emotion: tình cảm

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