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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

To the most honoured guests, the founder and owner of our best institution, K.H. Ahmad Sadid
Jauhari and the family.
I put my respect to all leaders of INAIFAS, Drs. Khumaidi, M.
Hum., Drs. Ahmad Nafiur Rofiq, M.Pd.I., Drs. H. Syaifuddin,
M.Pd.I., and Drs. Syaikhu, M.Pd.I.
My respect to the invitation guests,
. .

To all INAIFAS lecturers and staffs who can make this graduation ceremony comes tru e.
My respect to the parents who are coming today.
To all undergraduates who are helping now.
And of course to all bachelor students who are having special day at this moment.

First of all, let’s put our gratitude to The Almighty, Allah SWT., The Most Gracious and The Most
Merciful who has given us a capability and health to gather on this very special moment. May
Allah bless us today. Ameen!
Second of all, let’s praise our beloved Prophet Muhammad Saw., (peace be upon him) who has
been te aching us in a way to be true students and moslems. He is the light of this world and our
best example of life long learner.
Some of you might say that THIS IS THE END of your student journey. Well, if you have that
kind of perspective, you are THE WRONG ONE! I have to say that this is your very first journey
to face the dark world. Of course not, I mean the very challenging world. Graduation is a nice
thing, everybody agrees that. Professionally, it is a ticket for you to reach and grab the dreams
you have in your professional future field of work. The ticket may work and maybe not. Because
it needs your ability to use it well. It all depends on you. I am so proud to say that by
studying in our best institution you have a very good ticket to enter your p rofessional world.
So, once again…

Now, let’s look back to your journey as students here. I am very sure most of you have
memorable journeys, except the lazy one. From the first moment you stepped your feet here,
you made a wish to be a good student so that you can (sit down in there) be on this moment
now. The graduation ceremony moment! You have faced many challenges while being a
student, including boring papers which everyday to make, killer lecturers, annoying friends, too
productive activities, bad grades, the difficult exams and many more. But, remember… they all
make you become stronger than before. Preparing your mentality and intellectually to be ready
for the next adventure. You need to say thank you for that. So, please thank to them. And I also
believe that you have more positive journeys here. Like what I am having now!
No matter what will you face after this graduation ceremony, please be strong like as usual
before. The days ahead I believe are tougher and the road will be uncertain. That mentality and
intellectually you have had already, can be plus points for your ticket. As we know that the road
isn’t always good to pass. This institution teach you more than you think you know!
It is really important to say that “you are already success”. If you think that you haven’t! Probably
because you haven’t got your dream job or even now you are still maybe fully un -employeed.
Please erase that kind of mindset from your brain. Because you are the successful one!
Never have a thought that s uccess is about position, status, money or even fame. Let’s go
back to our best traditional lesson that being success means being useful or beneficial for others.
Like what our kyai have said all the time, it’s never about money and those things. Do good and
make other people happy plus use your ticket well, then you are success!
I close my speech by a quote from Imam Syafi’i: “tujuan dari ilmu adalah mengamalkannya.
Ilmu yang hakiki adalah merefleksikannya di dalam kehidupan. Bukan yang bertengger di

Jalaluddin Rumi said so about that, “if words come from the heart, they will enter the heart. If
they comes from the tounge, they will not pass beyond the ears”.
May you all have great adventures ahead, bachelors! And Allah bless you!

Thank you very much and….

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

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