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According to my research
desire means a strong feeling
of wanting to have
something or wishing for "" Desire
isn't bad
something to happen. And it
also means, of a strong
it's yourwindow
feeling, worthy or unworthy, tothe
to thefuture"
that impels to the
attainment or possession of
something that is (in reality
or imagination) within reach:
a desire for success.
" The starting point
of all achievement
is desire"
But for me, desire is a gateway that allows
me to see through my future. It is embedded
in my heart, my mind, and soul. For me, desire
is more than wanting something because it
is most of my future. And desire is a way
of learning new things, it is a way of being
knowledgeable and a way of setting free and
wisdom. Lastly, desire will be the beginning of my
journey as I walk through life to find my purpose.
When I was young, I remember of dreaming having a big house for
me and my family to live in. I remember wanting something
I couldn't get because it wasn't for me. I remember myself
yearning to be a Doctor, a Teacher, a Chef, a Flight Attendant, and
many more but still, I couldn't see myself being one of them,
because I was still a child.
Not until I grow up and learn to
desire something more in life that can help me grow. And as
I start to desire that's when I learned to be more of myself.
And it is the time when I started to plan and think of my future.

" The mind replays what

the heart cannot
" A desire presupposes the
possibility of action to achieve it"
Then, I focus myself on
studying more Then I found myself
to learn and gain knowledge. struggling and getting
I learn and stress trying to
learn many more things that be top above all. Not until
could help I gave up and forget all
me to achieve my desire. But my desire in life because I
couldn't see myself being
as I continue to learn I realize
happy anymore.
that I still didn't know my real
purpose of desiring
And I neglected my desire but I'm still
not happy with that
so I plan and turned myself to be more
responsible as I can.
And that's when I realized my real
"Always desire to learn
purpose of desiring, I realized that I
something useful" have
a future ahead of me. Afetr realizing
everything I have to do to achieve
my goal in life, I started to gain back my
desire to continue aiming for a better
future of me.
"Your desire can never
be satisfied."
And now I'm still learning moral lessons and
gaining more knowledge. And now I just don't
dream of having a big house, a car, and money but
I am also desiring and aiming to have a better
future where I can let myself grow and wherein
I can let myself be free. Lastly, I am now completely
desireful to accomplish what I am starting now. I
am fully being responsible as I can to become
successful one day.
For now, I am determined to acquire my
desire. Then I will continue learning
because it is the
purpose of my hardship in life. "I AM WILLING TO CREATE
As a moral lesson in life, I realized that
it is not just weakness and failure that THE LIFE I DESIRE"
help me to grow instead of desiring also
helps me become more of who I am
in the present. I couldn't ask for more
but I will surely do my very best
to be successful in acquiring my
dream and desire.

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