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MAY 2020



The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly given a lot to reflect on. Not only
because of its effect on the public health system and the lives of thousands of
people who have suffered or died as a result of it, but also because of its impact on
the global economy, the outlook for something which is negative. Many people's
jobs, schools, families, and social structures have shifted as a result of social
distancing and the call to stay at home, and they have had to adapt to home office
or distance education systems from one day to the next.

This presents a serious challenge in that we must adjust to a different way of

living for which many of us were unprepared, and which, of course, may have an
effect on our emotional health due to a loss of physical interaction with other
people, tension, anxiety, or apprehension that may be caused by the complexity of
the situation. I think we should both help to alleviate the crisis. We must stand in
unity with all those affected by the disease, particularly the most vulnerable. We
must sympathize with all those who are forced to leave their homes in order to
protect their country's economic security.

We've all changed our ways of life and developed new things. Since we can
communicate with other nations, globalization has played an important part in this
pandemic. Globalization enables us to connect and discover new knowledge in
innovative ways through the internet. During this pandemic, the Internet helped
many businesses, and we discovered a new way to keep schooling and work going
in order to create better global people. This is a new starting point for all of us to
begin on a new way of life

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