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• Alcohol is good for 2 main reasons: 1) relaxing and 2) bartering. A Post SHTF event will be
tough – we all need some downtime. Others will be out looking for it, too, making it a great
bartering tool.

• Antibiotics will be scarce in a post apocalyptic world. Stock up on them now while you can.
Fish antibiotics can also be used as a substitute.

• Ammo and plenty of it. The US government is trying to control the supply of ammunition. The
more you have, the better you can protect yourself. Just don’t store it all in the same place –
they may come knocking one day.

• Having a large supply of batteries, of all varieties, will ensure you can power your essentials
in a short to mid term grid down scenario.

• Entertainment is one of the most overlooks preparedness items there is. If you have to adjust
to a new world the best way to make things as comfortable as possible. Plus, there is a world
of knowledge in books. Make sure to mix in both fiction and non-fiction.

• Thick, heavy duty bags have many uses. If the grid is out and the toilets don’t flush, you
need a way to dispose of waste. There may also be bodies, animals, and food waste that
you have to take care of. Bag it and bury is the best way to go undetected.

• Canned goods are where every prepper starts. Store what you eat and eat what you store is
a great motto to live by when it comes to stocking up on canned foods. Their shelf life is
great and you can make nutritious family meals from a couple of cans.

• Condoms have multiple uses. From carry water to waterproofing tools and, of course, their
intended use. Pregnancy during a SHTF event may add to the strain of everyday life.

• When the lights go out, candles are the best way to find your way around. They will allow
you to find your black out kit which contain torches, etc and even warm up the room in which
you choose to live in. You can even cook from candle heat.

• If you take drugs of the medication variety, not the recreational kind, you should keep
additional stock on hand. Your doctor will allow this if you tell them you are going on an
extended vacation. Think of all family members, pets included.

• Duct Tape has 101+ uses – it’s strong, durable and can repair just about anything. It can also
be used to apprehend intruders, fix broken windows and doors or even a torn tent if you’re
bugging out.

• Dogs are more than a man’s best friend. They will be your first line of defense and alert you
to incoming danger. They can sense things well before a human can.

• If you wear eye glasses, it’s a good idea to get a backup pair just in case. Sunglasses may
be needed for either sun protection or to prevent snow glare. They will also protect your eyes
from debris.

• You expend far more energy when you are fighting for survival. If you have a desk job and
suddenly you need to protect your family from marauders how will you replenish your
energy? Have a plan and high energy foods to on standby.

• Preparedness and Survival are not something you can do from the comfort of your favorite
chair. You need to get out there, test your gear and push your skills to the limits. Get that

• We’ve already covered batteries. We need something to put them in. Torches will be your
best friend when the lights go out. Have them in your blackout and bug out kits, in your
vehicle and your bedside table.

• Water filters are for longer term survival and bugging out. However they can be extremely
useful if your water source has been contaminated and needs to be made safe to drink.

• Fish is a great source of protein which will be required in quantity post SHFT. Have a simple
fishing kit ready to go can keep you and your family well fed in nutrient dense fish.

• Gold is another barter/trade item that can be used should your local currency collapse. When
the money in your pocket is worth less than the paper it’s printed on gold will be king.

• If you have a generator or gas lamps you will need gasoline. Pick up a can each month for
12 months and use/rotate them each month after that.

• If books are crucial for entertainment, so are games. Boardgames can keep the adults and
the kids entertained on dark nights when they are used to watching the television or
checking out Facebook.

• Honey has an indefinite shelf life and can act as a great pick-me-up when you need it. It also
provides a ton of energy from it’s natural sugars. So be sure to stock up on this tasty treat!

• If the power’s out, we will need hand tools. Our grandparents didn’t even have power tools,
they used hand drills and screw drivers. Get a good ‘non electrical’ tool kit together.

• Canned goods and foods designed for long term storage can be bland. Most of them contain
little to no fat which contains most of the flavor. Herbs are a great way to turn a bland dish
into flavorful meal.

• Iodized Salt is a necessary nutrient that keeps a person alive. Worldwide, iodine deficiency
affects about two billion people. Don’t be without it.

• In any disaster event, chances are you will be asked at some point for ID. Even if the whole
country has gone south and you may need to prove your identity. The Police, Army and
National Guard will also expect you to produce your ID at check points etc.

• An inverter can be run directly from your car battery to provide an instant 120v power supply
for your household items. Be it a refrigerator, radio or to charge batteries. They’re cheap and

• If you have a flat tire, broken exhaust, or somebody trapped under your vehicle, then a jack
will grant access to the problem. Larger trolley jacks are even better for trucks.

• We never know when the S will hit the fan, so we should be prepared for all scenarios. If it’s
the dead of winter, a warm winter jacket will be needed to fight off the cold and even

• Juice is a great pick-me-up to have stored. Especially if you have children or you need to
barter after an extended period of time. Juice will add flavor to water, or ready to drink
cartons are even better. They store well and take up little space.

• Knives have a multitude of uses – from cutting cord to butchering your kill. You should have
one as part of your EDC and numerous others for the various situation you will encounter.

• It’s great having firewood, but what good are big thick seasons logs if you can’t get a fire
going? Kindling is overlooked by many. Having a ready supply will mean you can get a fire
going quickly when you need it most.

• “Knowledge weighs nothing” is one of my favorite sayings and its true. You can only carry so
much but you can carry everything you need in your head. Stock up on books for survival,
first aid, cooking, homesteading, and self defense.

• Emergencies, injuries, and first aid will be common place in a disaster. If not immediately,
then soon enough. Latex medical gloves are a must to prevent disease and infection.

• Fire is an important survival tool. It can be used for warmth, cooking, and purifying water,
therefore having a flame on hand is a must. You can get lighters in bulk very cheaply today…
you may need them tomorrow.

• Lanterns are are portable light source for when your batteries die out and candles won’t cut
it. You can get oil or candles lanterns and the glass casing protects the flame from going out

• Much like lighters, matches are a must have item. Again, they are cheap and can be stored
in waterproof containers to extend their lifespan.

• Mylar blankets are something we all associate with the outdoors, lost hikers for instance.
What about winter in your home? Wrapping yourself in a Mylar Blanket will keep you warmer.

• A mirror can be used for signaling, for medical reasons, seeing around corners without
exposing yourself, and to start fires.

• Being able to see in dark is a huge advantage over the enemy. Investing in some decent
equipment can mean the difference between winning and losing the fight.

• People will take advantage of others during any disaster. Upping their pricing on fuel and
other goods means you will overpay for simple, everyday items. Having cash handy is a
simple prep.

• Do you have a map and compass of your local area? Traveling out of town? You need to
have maps to and from your bug out location and to the houses or friends and family.

• Oil can be used for lamps, cooking, first aid, and even oiling your weapon.
• Oil Lamps or Storm Lanterns are perfect for a grid down scenario. We have the oil above, it
will burn for a long time and they provide great light.

• Your everyday oven will likely be out of action, so the next best is a sun or solar oven.
Obviously the sun is needed for this option so if you live in a cooler climate, you will have to
construct a ground oven or similar.

• Alternative power is growing in popularity. Countries such as Germany have embraced the
movement backed by the government. If you have the ability to buy or build a solar set up,
no matter how big or small, you will greatly enhance your chances of survival.

• Paracord. We all love it, from bracelets to belts, shelter building, splints and rappelling, the
uses are unlimited. Buy the good 550 Paracord and avoid the cheap stuff from China.

• Pepper Spray for me is under rated. You can survive everyday events which are more likely
to happen then SHTF. So carry some in your EDC, it’s nasty stuff and will give you a chance
to escape or restrain.

• If you suffer from a deep wounds from a bullet or a knife, you can bleed out quickly. Using a
quick clotting agent to stop the flow of blood and give you a chance to seek medical attention
is your best chance of survival and recovery.

• Probably one of the most crucial skills to have in any situation is quick reactions. When you
spot danger having the ability to react quickly and remove yourself and your family from that
danger is priceless. Your lives depend on it so practice role play scenarios often.

• Keeping abreast of the situation as it evolves is key. Having a radio can give you the warning
you need and allow time to bug out if needed.

• Getting wet can drastically accelerate hypothermia. You can become hypothermic within
seconds if you are cold and wet. Simple rain gear will keep you dry and extend your chances
of getting to shelter and surviving.

• Rice is a staple of many of the worlds countries. It stores well and will keep for years
untouched. You don’t need to go the mylar bag route either. Just buy a large bag and use
that as you go, you can replace as needed.

• The romans used to pay their army in Salt, this is where the term “Salary” comes from. Salt
is also a great barter item as it can flavor food and be used in medicine and intravenous

• The same goes for sugar, getting your blood sugar up can be a simple as eating a bar of
chocolate or a sugar cube.

• As with Gold, Silver also holds its value when the currency collapses. Trading becomes
possible when you have silver as a bartering item.

• Toilet paper for me is THE most overlooks item for a SHTF scenario. Hygiene will be tough
when the power is out and modern conveniences are inoperable. Having TP is more than a
comfort item, it’s life saver.

• Cable ties are strong and flexible. They can be used for restraining (as the Police and
Military do) or for lashing and making repairs.

• If you are bugging out you will need some for of shelter from the elements. Wind and rain
can make a bad situation worse, so choose a strong easy to erect tent that can fit the family.

• Underground bunkers are all over Doomsday Preppers, however simply having an
underground water tank is enough. You can even dig a large hole and bury a bucket to
create a cache. Concealment underground is the key.

• You bets chance of survival is within a group or preferable like minded and mixed skilled
individuals. Coming together as one you can fend of groups and all pitch in to make your
new life manageable.

• The ultimate goal is survival right? So we need a plan. In fact we need multiple plans as
often out best laid plans fail, often through circumstances outside of our control.

• For long term survival, growing you own food will be key to staying alive. You can also trade
your vegetables for other goods. growing a garden is not easy and takes practice. it’s best to
start now.

• Vinegar can be used as a cleaning product, you can preserve your aforementioned
vegetables and even treat wounds with it.

• Chances are you won’t have a stable diet come SHTF. Stocking up on vitamin tablets will
mean you are getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs. While they
are not a substitute for real food, they will help you through.

• You can only survive for 3 days without water. Stock up on bottles, install a rain catchment
system and have filtration and purification methods in your preps.

• A big killer in grid down events is the cold. Having the ability to create a sustain a fire is
crucial, especially if it’s a harsh winter. A good supply of dry seasoned wood is crucial.

• You can go that one step further and equip your household with a diesel or gas generator,
while they do require fuel to keep them going, they are ideal for a short term power source.

• Being wary of others is a skill you will need to survive in a new world. Protecting yourself and
your family will depend on your observation and internal compass.

• Adopting this trait is likely to keep you alive, more so than your non xenophobic neighbour
who opens the door to strangers!

• Baking is a dying art in todays modern society where stores stock everything you need.
Having yeast will allow you to bake this staple and bulk up your food stores.

• Making clothes is probably far from your thoughts, and whist probably not likely for short
term survival, it could become a sought after skill. Stocking arm will enable you to make
clothes and blankets and trade your skills.

• You must be of sound mind in a SHTF event. that means your family must be on board and
understand what is required of them. Above all you need a reason to survive. Family will
provide that.

• An amazing product that has a million uses. from storing leftovers that can be frozen and
eaten when the power goes off, to carrying water and keeping items dry in wet weather.

• Make sure you have a good supply of ziplock bags handy in the kitchen as they are used
regularly and will be used even more should the worst happen.


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