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Leather Care Tips

Maintaining the appearance and the quality of your leather product is easy if you
follow some guidelines. Leather must be kept in its natural oils, since the loss of them
can cause it to wilt quickly. In order to replenish lost in normal usage, we must apply
lubrication after each hours of use, depending on the type of use. Leather must be
protected from dryness that causes cracks, and from excessive moisture because it
can cause it to expand. These are the essential guidelines upon which my tips are built


1.) When the leather item is purchased , apply the lubricant, which will prevent the
leather from acquiring permanent staining from water spots. Be careful not to apply too
much the lubricant, as it could block the pores, which can then block the flo w of air
through the leather item.

2.) Leather jackets, blazers must be hung on large and cushioned hangers. Keep your
leather bags filled with tissue paper or other papers as it helps keep their form.

3.) The ventilation for leather products is essential therefore don't put them in air-tight
bags or compartments. If using bags made of fabric, leave it open for airflow.

4.) If the leather item gets wet , do not use any external dryer, such as a hair dryers as
it can fade the colors. allow it to dry naturally. When it's nearly dried , apply
conditioner. This will allow it to keep its flexible.

5.) If you notice sodium deposits in your boots or leather shoes Do not scrub them off.
apply a damp cloth, then wipe it clean and do the same as previously mentioned.

6.) In case the environment in which you live tend to be dry conditions, apply
lubrication to your leather item more often.

7.) Let your leather breathe, and don't apply things like waxes and polishes containing
silicone that will not aid in the process of when it does this.

8.) Solvents that are used for cleaning up the home or products containing alcohol are
to be avoided.

9) Do not use Turpentine and mineral spirits since they can absorb Leather Colors.

10) The use of mink oil , or any animal fats could make the leather darker, so make
sure to use it when appropriate.

I hope these suggestions help you care for the items you own. Leather Items.
Check out our website that is a resource for leather Jackets.

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