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-3 sheets of nori

-1/2 liter of rice

-1/2 liter of sticky rice

-pickled radish

-1 egg

-1 carrot{slice and boiled}

-crab stick

-3 tbsp sesame oil

-roasted sesame

-powdered broth

-salt to taste

1.Frist mix rice and sticky rice,wash and cook.

2.Separate the egg whites and yolks,beat and fry in each teflon.

3.After the rice cooked,add sesame oil,salt and powdered broth,then mix well.

4.Then prepare a bamboo roller and place the nori on it.

5.Pour enought rice over the nori and smooth it out,leaving the tip of the nori about 2 cm to make it easier when rolling.

6.After that arrange the contents on top of rice like carrots,pickled radishes,eggs’and crab stick in the middle

7.Roll using bamboo roller.

8.Then brush the nori with sesame oil to make it shiny.

9.Cut into 8 pieces of approximately 2 cm.

10.Last sprinkle with roasted sesame.

11.Kimbab is ready to serve.

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