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Name : Muhammad Fikri

Class : 10 IPS 2

Answer :

A. Rewrite the wrong sentences!

1. My friend visited our town in 2018

2. John has returned my book. You can borrow it

3. The cat has gone from home since this morning

4. Have you gone to Bali?

5. Were you at home yesterday?

6. I asked him about his condition when I met his sister

7. Did you go to his party last week?

8. He is sick. His father has written a letter to school

9. Did you know he fell down from the stairs?

10. He never knew that Rina is my sister

B. Fill the blank with the correct past simple or present perfect tense!

11.( I have been) to the theatre only three or four times in my life. I last went to the
thatre in 2005. I (saw) the Shakespeare play Hamlet. (I haven’t been) to the theatre
ever since.

12. Last week my friend (phoned and (asked) me if (wanted) to go to the theatre
with her. I (said) yes.

13. I (bought) a new dress and now I’m in the theatre and I (just found).

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