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Worksheet 1

“Must” for obligation and “Must not” for prohibition.

Students name: _________________________________
A. Complete the following sentences with must or must not.

1. You _______________ wear uniform in the school.

2. You ___________ tell lies.
3. You ___________ always tell the truth.
4. People ___________ smoke in the theater.
5. We ___________ sleep in the lessons.
6. You ___________ have a substantial breakfast.
7. We ___________ go to bed with our shoes on.
8. We ___________ talk to each other in class.
9. We ___________ park our car in the middle of the garden.
10.You ___________ come to the table with dirty hands
11. A man ___________ use the seatbelt in the car.
12.We ___________ make a lot of noise when our neighbors are sleeping
13. Students ___________ disrespect the English teacher or others.
14.You ___________ smoke in the café.
15.You ___________ eat or drink out of the school.
16.In soccer, each team ___________ have 11 players.
17.In soccer, you ___________ touch the ball with your hands.
18.Athletes ___________ eat healthy.
19. In basket ball, you ___________ run with the ball.
20. In Taekwondo championships , you ___________ wear special protection.

B. Identify the error in the sentences. Then rewrite them.

Ex. You must working with responsibility. You must work with responsibility.
1. You must not talking in class. _____________________________________
2. She must studies for the exam. _____________________________________
3. You must not tells bad words at school. _____________________________________
4. Students not must chat in class. _____________________________________
5. Angel must not eats in class. _____________________________________
6. The teacher must no teach bad words to students.
In your online classroom, you have rules, don’t you? Write rules for the e-classroom- use
Affirmative and negative statements.

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