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No, Indian Consumer had power but he is not king, The consumer is depends on Big

brands and their attractive products, what is new in society, some thing differ
ent type of thinking attract the consumers so that consumer is not king he is fo
Rate this: +11 -4

Prabodh Rout. said: (Wed, Aug 18, 2010 11:45:56 AM)
Yes, Indian consumer has power and he is king. Now the purchasing power of our c
onsumer increasing day by day, for that reason most of the global giant move tow
ards india to set up their business. India is the second largest consumer market
after china. As india is a multi cultural village companies should focus on the
different taste, preferences and trend of consumer.
Rate this: +11 -3

Tapas said: (Thu, Aug 26, 2010 05:11:04 PM)
Yes, Indian Consumer has a power and he is the king to choose goods of his choic
e. Due to various schemes in India, The underprivileged are developing and their
preference is altering from dependency on weak product to self preferred, nurtu
re product.. Villages to some extent are choosy and hence he has a power.
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Jolly said: (Tue, Nov 16, 2010 02:23:28 PM)
In case of customization, yes Indian consumers are king but over all we can say
that customers are followers not king. Whatever companies are going to produces
consumers will purchase and consume similar products. They can choose best produ
ct from available products. Only few companies are providing customized products
but their cost is too much. But in general view we can say this thing that cust
omer is not a king, they are just followers.
Rate this: +4 -1

Ipss said: (Mon, Nov 22, 2010 10:14:45 PM)
Yes consumer demand do play an important role. A brand may be much improved in q
uality as well as it may have quite an efficient way to attract people still if
consumers can't go for it due to many a reasons starting from fascination of som
e special product to price factor of the product then that brand has certainly n
o value. Hence consumer ultimately is the king of his own choice so in that resp
ect consumer can definitely be considered as the king.
Rate this: +6 -0

Navneet U Yadav said: (Sun, Jan 2, 2011 02:18:47 PM)
i think consumers are just the slave of indian market bcoz we have been given bi
g names like king but what exactly is king. a king is never cheated,never ignore
d etc. our govt just flatter us by this big names but practically we are just a
source of income to the multinational companies and govt ultimately. thats our m
istake we allow them to take us for granted we are the owner of everthing but we
dnt realise our rights and its implementation
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Gurunad17 said: (Tue, Jan 11, 2011 11:13:35 PM)
consumer to an indian government is just like a slave.bcoz,the customer in deman
d are treated as a case of quantities like petrol,current and some ba
sic needs in this technical world they treated as a slave.he should just follow
the product and not the product.of course,it may be of recision.this shows us,a
consumer is a follower.
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Nagendra said: (Thu, Feb 10, 2011 10:22:08 PM)
In reality we cant say that consumer is a king because consumer is treated as a
child in a family whose each and every desire or want fulfilled by parents like
this companies want to fulfill/satisfy consumer. Thats why company get feedback
from consumers but consumer have no rights to do any type of change in product a
nd policy so consumer is not a real king.
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Rinku said: (Fri, Feb 11, 2011 02:35:28 PM)
Yes consumer is king but partial. Because he can buy a product by his desire. Bu
t some time whatever product is bought by himself that product does not fulfill
his desire. At that time he doesn't no what is the solution of that.
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Tamil said: (Tue, Mar 1, 2011 04:05:23 PM)
No, customer not a king. customer is one the person in the society. King have th
e power to administrate the public and maintain the society. and also have to ru
le the public. but the customer have the responsibility of purchasing the produc
t in the market... if it have any damage means they can complain to that particu
lar organization...
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Nirav said: (Fri, Mar 4, 2011 10:24:14 AM)
I don't believe costumer is king I would like to share you something what I've r
ead few days ago in local newspaper. A person has purchased a leaf of tablet and
he found a stapled tablet in it. Ha has blame to medical store but the owner sa
id he has nothing to do with it It's a company fault. Now that person has gone t
o that pharmaceutical company but in place of apologize for that mistake they bl
ame that consumer that he has done it.
So now ultimately person has gone to consumer court where the company proved wro
ng and company has to pay 20,000 as fine that will go to "Consumer welfare" and
some 2000 to that person for his expanse it this circumstances...
So person has spent his time on it and what he has gain??
So I think he should be received some motivation far that.
Now in this case possibly if person has lost the case then he may not have recei
ved his money that he has spent for this circumstances, which is equally possibl
So I sincerely believe that system need some changes
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Farmer said: (Sat, Mar 5, 2011 02:17:36 PM)
King is the person who decides his own rules but in India price of products are
decided by the sellers not by consumers and on the other side in developed count
ry the price is decided by consumer not by the sellers and due to this consumers
are king over there but in our country consumers are still not king we hope in
future they would be king.
Rate this: +2 -0

Shreshtha Tripathi said: (Sat, Mar 5, 2011 11:20:25 PM)
Hello friends! according to me consumers are king as he decides that whether the
product deserves to reside on the shelfs of a store or need modifications. So,
in case the product is rejected by the consumers then no power in the universe c
an sell the product. This proves that consumers have the right to decide the des
tiny of the product. So for product manufacturer n other parties whose money are
on stake, consumers should be treated as king even in real they really not are.
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