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1. Love - in love, out of love, break up, 42.

Plays sports poorly

divorce, infidelity, hate 43. Too attractive
2. Pregnancy 44. No friends
3. Sickness 45. Too many friends
4. Missing limb 46. Weather - earthquakes, floods, too
5. Limps hot, too cold
6. Tired 47. Magic - 3 wishes,
7. Insomnia 48. Angel - good, bad, etc
8. Blind 49. Vampire
9. Gas 50. Fairy
10. Cough 51. Zomby
11. Hungry 52. Thinks he/she is animal
12. Thirsty 53. Wants to gain/lose weight
13. Money 54. Plastic surgery
14. Wins lottery 55. Can’t hear
15. Finds money 56. Afraid of xyz
16. Needs money 57. Wants to learn
17. Bills 58. Forgets everything
18. Wants to buy xyz 59. Super intelligent
19. Gifts 60. Arrested
61. Protests
20. No car 62. No pants
21. No parents 63. Parent is teacher
22. Orphan 64. Broke a nail
23. Long distance relationship 65. Lost something
24. Works too many hours 66. Can’t stop doing xyz
25. Works too few hours 67. Food allergy
26. Earns too much money 68. Wakes Saturday but thinks it’s
27. Earn too little money Monday and goes to school
28. Studys 69. Possible people
29. Has exam A. Doctor
30. Cheats B. Lawyer
31. Instead of exam does xyz C. Police man/woman
32. Religion D. Stripper
33. Thinks he/she is god E. Therapist
34. Doesn’t believe in God F. Barrista
35. Addictions G. Teacher
36. Cooks poorly H. Nun
37. Cooks well I. Pastor
38. Has children J. Boss
39. Doesn’t have children K. Accountant
40. Adopts children L. Astronaut
41. Plays sports well M. Zookeeper
N. Jailer
O. Dentist
P. Sailor
Q. Waitress
R. Con artist
S. Thief
T. Bond trader
U. Cook
V. Pirate
W. Nerd
X. Cartoonist
Y. Race car driver
Z. Athlete

II. Halloween characters

A. Scarecrow
B. Pumpkin
C. Vampire
D. Zombie
E. Candy
F. Witch
G. Ghost
H. Skeleton
I. Mummy

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