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Unit 3 Reading and Notes



Thomas Barrus  

English 2010  

Professor Marsing & Alexander   

Nov 1, 2021










Unit 3 Reading and Notes
- Summarizing

 Summarizing is a brief overview of an entire discussion or argument. You might

summarize a paper into a single paragraph or a series of bullet points with only the
important information.

- Elements of Analysis

 A Rhetorical analysis is when an author, an audience, and a context come together,

and a persuasive message is communicated through some medium. The audience
element is the group of people who may or may not be persuaded by the argument.
Purpose is the intention and meaning behind the rhetorical analysis. Context refers
to the circumstances surrounding an act of reading and/or composition.

- using Rhetorical Strategies for Persuasion

 There are three Rhetorical strategies for Persuasion. They are Logos, Pathos, and
Ethos. Logos is the appeal of reason, logic, and evidence to an audience. Pathos is
the appeal to an audience using emotions. Anger, happiness, and sadness are all
prime examples of pathos. Ethos is a way to establish your character and credibility
to your audience.

- "Summary vs. Analysis" and "How to Write a Summary"

 A summary provides a brief explanation of the main points in an argument or

paper. the who, what, when, where, why, and how should all be included in the
summary. And rhetorical analysis is the analysis of a text, that focuses on the three
rhetorical appeals: logos, pathos, and ethos. - "Kade's 7 Tips for Writing an

- "Thesis Statement"

 A thesis statement is an encapsulation of your paper’s main point, idea, and/or

message. Your thesis should be 1-5 complete sentences, be underlined in your
essay, identify your controversial topic, and make a claim about the topic. You
should also allude to your call for actions, avoid asking questions, and avoid vague

- "Peer Review Instructions"

 After selecting one of the student essays, read their paper and comment on how the
essay can be improved. Improvements like effectively summarizing, establishing
context, making a convincing argument, and concluding your points effectively.
- "MLA Format"

 An easy MLA format has 12 pt. font size, Times New Roman font, 1 inch page margins,
double spacing, and a centered title. Every new paragraph has a ½ inch indent.

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