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NOMBRE: Sergio Márquez Marrugo


El tránsito vehicular constituye la solicitación directa al sistema estructural que

conforma el pavimento y como consecuencia del paso repetido de los vehículos se
genera el deterioro de los pavimentos. Su caracterización es fundamental y a la
vez muy compleja dada la gran distribución de los tipos de vehículos y de las
cargas que se presentan en cada uno de sus ejes.
El cálculo de la variable tránsito tiene dos aspectos básicos, el primero
corresponde a determinar el tránsito actual que circula por la vía del proyecto y
que sirve como punto de partida, y el segundo la determinación del
comportamiento de la variable a lo largo del periodo de diseño, las proyecciones,
la composición, etc.


The vehicular traffic constitutes the direct request to the structural system that
forms the pavement and as a consequence of the repeated passage of the
vehicles the displacement of the pavements is generated. Its characterization is
fundamental and at the same time very complex given the great distribution of the
types of vehicles and of the loads that appear in each one of its axles.
The calculation of the traffic variable has two basic aspects, the first corresponds
to determining the current traffic that circulates along the project route and which
serves as a starting point, and the second determines the behavior of the variable
throughout the period of design, projections, composition, etc.


Vehicle traffic constitutes the direct solicitation to the structural system that forms
the pavement and as a consequence of the repeated passage of vehicles the
deterioration of the pavements is generated. Its characterisation is fundamental
and, at the same time, very complex given the large distribution of vehicle types
and the loads that occur on each of its axes.
The calculation of the traffic variable has two basic aspects. The first corresponds
to determining the current traffic on the project road and serves as a starting point,
and the second to determining the behaviour of the variable throughout the design
period, projections, composition, etc.


Vehicle traffic constitutes the direct solicitation to the structural system that forms the
pavement and as a consequence of the repeated passage of vehicles the deterioration of
the pavements is generated. Its characterisation is fundamental and, at the same time,
very complex given the large distribution of vehicle types and the loads that occur on
each of its axes.

The calculation of the traffic variable has two basic aspects. The first corresponds to
determining the current traffic on the project road and serves as a starting point, and the
second to determining the behaviour of the variable throughout the design period,
projections, composition, etc.


Vehicle traffic constitutes the direct solicitation to the structural system that forms
the pavement and as a consequence of the repeated passage of vehicles, the
deterioration of the pavements is generated. Its characterization is fundamental
and, at the same time, very complex given the large distribution of vehicle types
and the loads that occur on each of its axes.
 The calculation of the traffic variable has two basic aspects. The first corresponds
to determining the current traffic on the project road and serves as a starting point,
and the second to determine the behaviour of the variable throughout the design
period, projections, composition, etc.

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