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11 september 2001

The Tuesday 11,September it's the date of the one biggets terrorist attack. 4 islamist sucide attack
the same day in the Unatid-State of Americe and cause the death of 2 977 peoples . In the center of
Manhattan in New York in Arlington and in Sharkscytie in Pensilvania, less than 2 hours between
8:14 and 10:03.

the targets was:

-The World Trade Center
-The Pantagon
-Th white house or The capital

4 airplaines was diverted and cause the death of 2 977 innocents and 19 terrorist. And there were 6
291 and 25 000 injuries

2 airliners on the 4 destroyed the twin towers

1 airliner aimed at the pentagon, headquarters Department of Defense, Washington D.C. And kills
all the people in the plane and other many's was working in the bulding

and the last plane was maybe supposed attack the direction of the capital or other place in the city
but it crashed in the open countryside In shankscity in Pensilvania beacause after then pasqagers
recived new by phone they tring to recover control of the plane but to no avail.

The président was George Busk 2001-2009 : Républicain

The conséquence of the attack :

1- the Terroris is beggin the he issues number 1

2-the control procedure has been strengthened in the airports
3- the comunication has been strengthened into security service
4- new passport

The Patriot Day takes place on September 11 of each year since 2002 is a national day americain to
commemorate the victims of the attacks

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