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The article “The Importance of Play: How Kids Learn by Having Fun discusses how the

importance of play and how it impacts a young child’s life. Play helps children develop
cognitively, physically, socially, and emotionally. To children play just may seem like something
fun they get to do but in reality they are learning so much through playing. 
Some cognitive benefits play has on children are that it promotes healthy development
and critical thinking skills. It strengthens memory, and helps children understand the concept of
cause and effect. Play allows them to use their senses and encourages them to explore and to
open their curiosity. Play encourages children to pretend, use their imagination and create. Some
types of play that influence and help develop cognitive skills are reading, puzzles, drawing,
sorting and many other things. Play also includes physical benefits. Physically play can benefit
kids in so many ways. Play benefits gross and fine motor development by encourages movement,
understanding of spatial relations, promotes motor planning skills, and helps with balance. Gross
motor skills are also supported in play skills like flexibility, energy, and body awareness. Some
kinds of play that helps develop physical skills are running, jumping, swimming, block building,
dancing, coloring, painting and many more. Some social benefits of play include improving
social development because it helps children learn to interact with others. Socially play can also
help develop self discipline, it can also help teach fairness, listening skills, and sharing play
experiences with others. Some kinds of play that helps develop social skills are anything where
they play with their peers, and free or unstructured play. Some emotional benefits of play
includes it helps children learn how to process their emotions and new concepts. For example, at
the center i’m at the preschool class played musical chairs. When children got out they learn to
process sadness, and anger. Playing builds confidence and influences them to develop their
identity and who they are and self esteem. Games when they lose, outdoor play, drawing, and
mamy more are all kinds of play that help develop emotional skills. 

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