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Franz Julius Adriane Damayo

Lesson 3: Reflection

International Consumer Law

Before reading the full chapter, I had no clue what this notion meant. Later on, though, there were a few
points on which I agreed, and others on which I can/must reflect for future purposes. In subject 3,
International Consumer Law, I learnt that consumer law encompasses all rules and regulations aimed at
ensuring a more level playing field for customers in the marketplace and banning businesses from
discriminating against them.The development of a broadly applicable minimum level of consumer protection,
as well as the removal of impediments to the expansion of cross-border trade, are the two major functions of
international consumer law. Consumers International, on the other hand, is a non-profit organization with no
ties to any one country.

I also recognized that international consumer law, particularly UN guidelines and the ICPEN's work, must take
into consideration the current challenges that consumer policy faces.Today, consumer law and regulation face
two major challenges that must be addressed on a global scale: the first is the increasing number of cross-
border purchases, while the second is the risk of the internet becoming the dominant global marketplace, as
well as other technological advancements that have undermined traditional consumer law.

The fundamental objective of international consumer law, which is to set fair standards in consumer
protection regulatory systems in order to promote cross-border consumer transaction efficiency, piqued my
attention in this lecture.Furthermore, officials from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos,
the Philippines, Myanmar, and Thailand are cooperating and sharing information to protect consumers against
inferior goods and unfair trade.These parties intend to create a cross-border mechanism to advise and assist
with customer claims settlement, as well as a quick warning system for harmful consumer products to alert
member states to items that have been outlawed, limited, or recalled.

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