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The Technology Advancements in the Past Decades

Have Influenced Education Practices

The times have led us to develop highly futuristic technology. We are currently in a period of
society called Society 4.0 which is marked by the very rapid development of information
technology and has an impact on all aspects of people's lives. In this modern age of
globalization, technological progress can be utilized in the educational environment to
facilitate and improve the process of learning. Educational technology will also be very
helpful and easy to understand in millennial life as an innovative learning medium that makes
it easier for them to find various sources of knowledge easily and can be done anytime and
anywhere. Which we found it very useful to improve the independent learning process.

The development of educational technology is an important factor in solving educational

problems especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which able to keep learning process
going well and support the government’s efforts to maintain physical distancing according to
health protocols in the direction of the Minister of Education and Culture saying that the
process of teaching and learning activities must be carried out through online or distance
learning (Based on SE No. 4 of 2020 concerning education policy in the emergency period of
the spread of COVID-19). The use of technology in education is believed to improve student
learning outcomes and motivation. Improving student learning outcomes and motivation is
directly an indicator of the effectiveness and efficiency of learning implementation.
Therefore, the development of technology-based learning is very important and must be done
by teachers.

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