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Thomas Edison

I would like to have known Tomas Alva Edison, a very illustrious character in history
with a very brilliant mind and a very peculiar history. Tomas was expelled from
school his teacher indicated that he was very clumsy, Nancy, Tomas' mother took
on the role of teacher and taught her son everything he needed to know and
thus inspired her son to have a boundless curiosity that would later lead him to
have magnificent ideas. At the age of ten he installed his first laboratory, all in an
empirical and rudimentary way, after two years he realized that his ideas were
good and he could make money with them. And so began his history little by
little he was working in different places and different towns but very convinced
of his goal which was the invention, in 1868 he registered his first patent.

Edison was a great inventor of the United States who had a record of patents
and also created the first laboratory for research around the world to this
laboratory called 'the factory of inventions', manufactured a phonograph,
incandescent lamp, electric meter, movie camera, among many more
inventions. Tomas was a very curious person throughout his life and while he was
making one invention he was already thinking of another.

Undoubtedly Tomas is a character of history that helped a lot with his inventions,
if I could ask him something it would be: How did he manage to make so many
inventions in his time with very little technology? Which invention did he like the
most? What invention cost him the most work to make? And many more
questions. Anyway, if I could spend a day with Tomas it would be touring his
laboratory and seeing each of his magnificent inventions.

Anahí Romero

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