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In 2016, Al Gore had a talk in TED about “The Case for Optimism on Climate Change”
where he discussed many points and reasons of the challenges presented by the Climate Crisis.
He explained three questions; (1) Must we change?, (2) Can we change? And (3) Will we
change?. I would say the most exciting part is when he told the three questions, because the
questions make me question myself if there is really a solution to the answer, but in the end he
revealed that it is possible, that anything is possible.
So to start with (1) Must we change, basically yes we must change; we must change our
day to day emission of greenhouse gases and as Al Gore said that “One of the most essential
facts about the climate crisis has to do with the sky”. Even though, in our country we don’t use
coal and any power plant that heavily produce greenhouse gases still we are emitting and
contributing greenhouse gases that makes our world warmer that will worsen natural
phenomena’s like storms and heavy amounts of rain. (2) Can we change; so the answer to the
second question, "Can we change?" is clearly "Yes." And it's an ever-firmer "yes." Al Gore said.
It is a big Yes we can change because from the life experience we seen and taken scientist and
people exerting efforts on how to lessen the carbon emission r greenhouse gases and the fact that
countries or cities namely Bangladesh which is now the fastest deploying country in the world;
they harness energy and power from the sun, no need to construct power plants that emits
greenhouse gases. Hence, we have all we need enough energy from the Sun comes to the Earth
every hour to supply the full world's energy needs for an entire year. And (3) Will we change a
very easy to say Yes but hard to expect however, “when any great moral challenge is ultimately
resolved into a binary choice between what is right and what is wrong, the outcome is
foreordained because of who we are as human beings” Al Gore said. 
In conclusion, Al Gore is like our living hope, because he encouraged us that we can
or/and are changing to help our world heal to the climate and our future, as he also site examples
on how we can win this. Hence, Al Gore being optimistic gives us courage and more positivity
that we’re going to win and prevail as what he was said. In addition, remember; “Our will to act
or change is a big help no matter how big or small it will help”.

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