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Activity Name: Knight-Thompson IPA Workshop

Leader: Gerald Brasserman

Why do we need this skill as artists? (What’s in it for them?)
Ability to learn accents = more accents in your toolbox = more roles you’re fit for!
Why do you want to lead this activity (What do you bring to this activity?)
Selfishly want to reengage with this. There’s no reason we can’t be working on accents
on our own!
Please break down the activity, step by step, with a time breakdown:
• Introduction to IPA & Knight-Thompson Method: (5-10 minutes)
o What’s the International Phonetic Alphabet?
o What’s the Knight-Thompson method

• Speaking Exercise (20-25 minutes)

o Participants will be led by instructor:
▪ Warmup
▪ Gurning (quite literally, getting in touch with your mouth)
▪ Speaking Omnish (partner activity, beginning to speak a language)
▪ Talk-back, questions, etc.

• Vowels & Consonants (15-20 minutes)

o A-Z
o Connecting your mouth to the alphabet

• Accent Work (15-20 minutes)

o Oral posture
o Vowel Swaps
o Showcase

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