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Aiding document

Global Survey team


1. Guidelines & Rules ............................................................................. 4

1.1. Anonymity of recipients: ....................................................................4

1.2. Response rate: ....................................................................................4
1.3. Survey extension:................................................................................5
1.4. Survey setup & reports: ......................................................................5

2. Tips and Tricks .................................................................................... 6

2.1. Determine your Objectives .................................................................6

2.2. Determine your Target Population ....................................................6
2.3. Include a brief introduction to your survey ........................................6
2.4. Take care of the timing .......................................................................7
2.5. Design survey questions .....................................................................7
2.5.1. Make sure questions are clear and concise: ..........................7
2.5.2. Be careful with acronyms .......................................................7
2.5.3. Make sure not to ask leading questions:................................8
2.5.4. Be careful not to state questions in negative: .......................8
2.5.5. Standardize your rating scale .................................................8
2.5.6. Make sure that your choices cover all possible spectrum of
2.5.7. Be careful not to ask personal questions: ..............................9
2.5.8. Organize your questions.........................................................9
2.6. Add a thank you message ...................................................................9
2.7. Test your survey..................................................................................9

3. Processes/Sub-processes customized questions bank .................... 11

3.1. Supply Chain .....................................................................................11

3.2. Source - to - Pay ................................................................................11
3.3. HR direct ...........................................................................................14
3.4. General Accounting ..........................................................................14
3.5. Finance Other ...................................................................................15
3.6. Controlling ........................................................................................15
3.7. Master data Management ................................................................16

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4. Best of Customized Questions ......................................................... 20

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1. Guidelines & Rules

1.1. Anonymity of recipients:

According to Henkel Compliance department, survey should be anonymous.

Survey requestor should not be able to identify who has taken part in the
survey and who has not.

The following procedures and requirements should be taken to safeguard the

anonymity of the participants:

a. No statistical information like age, personnel number, position or

department, job tenure, gender, full-time- or part-time-employment
should be asked.
b. When choosing participants make sure, there are not less than three
recipients. In case of less, Survey can not be conducted
c. The use of the survey should be limited to INTERNAL users only
(Henkel employees).

1.2. Response rate:

The main purpose behind conducting surveys is to get a constructive

and solid indication about each process/sub process performance. Low
response rates do not allow such indication. Accordingly,

a. The minimum survey response rate as agreed on with Global delivery

managers and SSC heads is 20%.
b. In case of a lower response rate, survey results will not be considered
when preparing end of year-consolidated report.

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1.3. Survey extension:

To guarantee a high response rate,

a. All surveys will be left online for recipients to answer for a non-
extendable three weeks period instead of two. Surveys cannot be
extended longer to guarantee the consistency and efficiency of the

1.4. Survey setup & reports:

The purpose behind standard surveys is to have one harmonized setup that
follow Henkel standards and allow the comparability of results across all
processes and sub-processes in all SSCs.

a. Standard surveys setup
1. One standard template following the same organization, Colors,
font and font size for all surveys
2. 10 standard questions following the same wording for all surveys
3. 6 point scale (1- Satisfied – 6- Dissatisfied) for all surveys
4. Up to only 5 customized questions with preferred question type
and scale

b. Reports setup
1. One same template following the ( organization, Colors, font and
font size) for all processes
2. A unified type of analysis ( graphs for closed ended questions and
raw data for open ended questions)

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2. Tips and Tricks

An ongoing Feedback is essential in any organization

and surveys have proven to be the best tool for that.
However, constructing a good survey might be hard
and tricky . To make things easier , we have created
a step by step process that will guide you on how to
construct a good Survey.

2.1. Determine your Objectives

 The first step of conducting a successful survey is to ask yourself why are
you conducting this survey and what do you hope to measure.

 Addressing multiple objectives in a single survey. It is better to have
multiple surveys for each objective than a master survey that approaches
different objectives.

2.2. Determine your Target Population

 After determining your objective, the next step is to ask yourself who you
want to address in this survey.

 Sending the survey to irrelevant people that are not dealing directly with
your process
 Sending the survey to non frequent stakeholders that are not dealing with
your process on regular basis
 Sending the survey to Invalid mails. Make sure mails are correct &
participants are still active in Henkel
 Sending the survey to high managerial level if they are not dealing in
person with your process

 To avoid corrupted results. Putting your survey in front of the right people
is the key to getting a high response rate as well as all the information you

2.3. Include a brief introduction to your survey

 To welcome the participants to the survey
 To Brief them about the objective behind the survey,
 To Brief them about the number and the format of the questions
 To brief them about the time they will take to answer the survey
 To Provide them with instructions on how to solve the questions
 To ensure you get valid results because what may seem obvious to some
people may not be obvious to other

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 Writing a long introduction, make it brief and straight to the point

2.4. Take care of the timing

 Make sure that respondents don’t take more than 5 to 7 minutes

maximum to solve the survey.
 This can be achieved through 10 questions or less if you are using
complicated or open ended questions.

 Survey abandon rates increase for surveys that took more than 5-7
minutes to complete

2.5. Design survey questions

Design questions in a way that will lead to a higher completion rate, increase
the quality of responses as well as the likelihood that people will choose to
take your future surveys.

Tips on designing Survey Questions

2.5.1. Make sure questions are clear and concise:

 Make questions as short and as clear as possible. Always use words or
expressions that are common and familiar with your respondents.

 Complexity, ambiguity and uncommon expressions.

Bad example Good example

Please tell us how your experience Please rate your level of Satisfaction
has been going with the quality of with the quality of work provided by
work provided by the SSC? the Shared Service Centre?

2.5.2. Be careful with acronyms

 Be cautious with abbreviations.

 The use of abbreviations without a clarification of what this abbreviation
stands for.
 If you want to use an acronym several times, spell out the whole word the
first time then place the acronym in parentheses.

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Bad example Good example
How often do you contact SSC? How often do you contact the
shared Service Centre?

2.5.3. Make sure not to ask leading questions:

 Don’t use questions that’s will automatically force the respondents to

choose a certain answer because of how it is worded.

 Asking questions that state a conclusion then ask the respondents whether
they agree with it or not.

Bad example Good example

Process continuity plan is effective In your opinion, process Continuity
a. Yes plan is
b. No a. Effective
b. NA
c. In effective

2.5.4. Be careful not to state questions in negative:

 Asking questions in the negative form because it can be very confusing for
your Respondents and may lead to misleading results

Bad example Good example

I don’t feel encouraged to come up I feel encouraged to come up with
with new things new things
a. Strongly agree a. Strongly agree
b. Agree b. Agree
c. Neither agree or disagree c. Neither agree or disagree
d. Disagree d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree e. Strongly disagree

2.5.5. Standardize your rating scale

 Always use the same number of points in the rating preferably (1-5) or
 If there is one question that uses (1-5) scale make sure the rest of
questions also use a (1-5) scale not (1-6).
 Use scales that are relevant to your question not just any scale

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 Rate your level of satisfaction with the SSC communication (Very satisfied-
satisfied-neither satisfied or dissatisfied- dissatisfied- very dissatisfied)
 Rate the degree of effectiveness of the following trainings
 (Very effective – effective – neither effective or ineffective – ineffective -
very ineffective)

 To increase consistency

2.5.6. Make sure that your choices cover all possible spectrum of answers

 In multiple choice questions always list all the possible answers that the
respondents might think of.
 Always add the ‘’other please specify’’ option, if you are not sure that your
choices provide a good coverage.

 Listing the most favourable or most common choices on the top of the list
of choices.

2.5.7. Be careful not to ask personal questions:

 Asking questions about “race, religion, age, sex and income level”.

 It is totally against compliance to ask personal questions to protect the
anonymity of Respondents

2.5.8. Organize your questions

 Always place interesting questions at the beginning

 Start with easy questions then move to more difficult questions
 Organise and group your questions by subject

 So that your respondents can focus their thoughts and answer the
questions fast and more accurately.

2.6. Add a thank you message

 It’s always good to feel appreciated!

2.7. Test your survey

 After you have finished constructing your survey, make sure you test it and
answer it yourself

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 To make sure that the questions make sense.
 To make sure that the spelling and the grammar of the questions are
 To make sure questions are in the correct order, flow and format.
 To make sure that solving the survey doesn’t take more than 5-7 minutes

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3. Processes/Sub-processes customized
questions bank
Survey questions construction is one of
the most critical & crucial steps in
creating any survey. In order to aid
you, remind you of the questions that
your process/sub-process asked last
year and inspire you with ideas for
questions that were asked by other
processes, We have prepared the
below questions bank that includes all the customized questions that were
asked by different processes and sub- processes in 2016

3.1. Supply Chain

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The proactivity of the supply chain team in proposing & delivering

process improvements.
2. The Process expertise of supply chain team.
3. The supply chain team's performance & cooperation.
4. Improvement in which areas would immediately increase your
a. Timeliness
b. Accuracy
c. Technical or process expertise
d. Communication

3.2. Source - to - Pay


On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The professional approach (competence and skills) of the SSC e-

Sourcing team.
2. The e-Sourcing team's communication about project updates and
changes (like status of supplier onboarding, status of project, change
of responsible person at SSC, change in event start date, end date,
3. The e-Sourcing team’s set up and design of the e-sourcing event in the
e-Tool according to your requirements.
4. The SSC e-Sourcing team’s help in planning, organizing and executing
the e-Tender/e-Auction(s) effectively and efficiently.
5. What would you suggest to improve in terms of technical support
provided to you by the SSC e-Sourcing team during e-Sourcing events?

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Global reporting

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The guidance provided by Global Reporting team on existing reporting

tools and their functionalities (e.g. PURIS BI, CNWC, CCDB, Reporting
2. The translation of your request into the final report by the Global
Reporting team (ad-hoc reports).
3. The aesthetics of reports provided by the Global Reporting team.
4. What areas of improvement would you recommend to improve the
service of the Global Reporting team?

Invoice Processing

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The way the SSC Invoice processing team understands and provides
responses to your requests.
2. The way the SSC Invoice processing team handles Saperion routings
(seeking approval or missing information).
3. The way the SSC Invoice processing team handles urgent requests.
4. The SSC Invoice processing team's overall process expertise.
5. What areas of improvement would you recommend to improve the
service of the SSC Invoice processing team?

Order Processing

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The service provided by the Order processing team when it comes to

your request on order maintenance (order changes – price, quantity,
closure, clean up).
2. The level of professionalism (competence, courtesy and responsibility)
demonstrated by the Order processing team.
3. The pro-activeness of the Order processing team in managing your
request/issue end-to-end.
4. The support of the ProWeb Hotline when you contact them with
5. If you could change one thing about the services provided by the SSC
Order processing team, what would it be?

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Project Support

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The expertise and support provided for ONE!GSC Horizon by the

Projects and Support team? (Data validation/migration, User
acceptance testing, Cutover execution...).
2. The support provided for automation topics (e.g. driving purchase
order and invoice automation increase, automating process steps and
3. Which improvements are needed in order to increase your level of

Purchasing Master data

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects

1. The way the Purchasing Master Data team is pro-actively giving

support on your request.
2. The initiatives introduced by the Purchasing Master Data team to
improve the process.
3. The Purchasing Master Data team’s level of responsiveness when
addressing urgent or critical requests.
4. The level of professionalism demonstrated by the Purchasing Master
Data team.
5. If you could change one thing about the services provided by the
Purchasing Master Data team, what would it be?

Sourcing Support

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The Sourcing Support team’s level of responsiveness in supporting

your requests.
2. The Sourcing Support team’s grasp of the fundamental tasks, issues,
and ability to work on them independently.
3. The Sourcing Support team’s pro-activity in collating and sharing
information regarding best practices.
4. The Sourcing Support team’s proactive pursue of new ideas and drive
for continuous improvements.
5. Would you consider transferring further activities to the SSC Sourcing
Support team and if so which? (Yes- No)

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3.3. HR direct

1. Please rate your overall satisfaction in cooperation with HR direct

2. Please rate your satisfaction with the level of commitment and sense
of ownership of the HR direct members?
3. Would you consider HR direct as a best in class partner? Why?
4. Which HR direct t communication channel do you or would you prefer
to use when contacting HR direct

Communication channels available

a. Calling HR direct
b. Using knowledge self service
c. Creating HR direct ticket

Communication channels not yet available

a. Contacting HR direct via chat
b. Other, please specify

5. What kind of digital opportunities would you like to see with HRDirect
in the future? (example: provide more options on mobile devices,
process enhancements by using automation solutions or receive more
information about SSCs in Henkel social media like Yammer)

3.4. General Accounting

Closing and Report

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The Closing and Reporting team member’s level of professionalism (e.i.

communication, attitude), cooperation and supportiveness.
2. The ability of Closing and reporting team members to solve non-
standard questions or requests.
3. The ownership of the Closing and Reporting team towards the Closing
and Reporting process.
4. The level of proactive engagement of the Closing and Reporting team.
5. The overall performance of the Closing and Reporting Team.

Fixed Assets team

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The level of proactive engagement demonstrated by Fixed Assets

2. The ability of the Fixed Assets team to provide expertise, guidance, and
solutions to issues/problems.
3. The Fixed Assets team member's level of professionalism (e.i.
communication, attitude).
4. The overall performance of the Fixed Assets team.

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5. Do you find the SSC team supportive and cooperative with the
requests and issues?(Yes-No)

Enterprise Master data Maintenance team

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The sense of ownership and responsiveness of the EMM team.

2. The EMM team's ability to provide expertise, guidance, and solutions
to issues/problems.
3. The ability of the EMM team members to solve non-standard
questions or requests.
4. The overall performance of the EMM Team.
5. What can we immediately do to improve your satisfaction?

3.5. Finance Other


1. How do you consider the service provided by the team of Treasury?

And why?
2. Are your requirements and needs met by the services of the TR?
3. Do you consider the treasury team as an adaptable service provider?

3.6. Controlling

Financial Controlling

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The level of competency of the Financial Controlling team.

2. The level of support and commitment demonstrated by Financial
Controlling team.
3. The level of proactivity of the Financial Controlling team.
4. The sense of ownership of the tasks performed by the Financial
Controlling team.
5. Which of the below attribute is the most important to you?
a. Knowledge
b. Quality
c. Speed
d. Communication
e. Accessibility

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Business Controlling

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The level of support and commitment demonstrated by the Business

Controlling team.
2. The proactivity of the Business Controlling team.
3. The adaptability/flexibility of the Business Controlling team to changes.
4. The problem solving ability of the Business Controlling team.
5. The improvement of transferred processes/tasks in the Business
Controlling team.

Operational Controlling

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The competency of the Operational controlling team.

2. The level of support and commitment demonstrated by the
Operational Controlling team.
3. The proactivity of the Operational controlling team.
4. The ownership of tasks performed by the Operational controlling
5. Which of the below attribute is the most important to you?
a. Knowledge
b. Quality
c. Speed
d. Communication
e. Accessibility

3.7. Master data Management

Finance trade

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. Request understanding by Finance Trade team (Export Control,

Sanctioned Party List Screening, Customs Classification, Country Of
Origin and Preferential Origin determination, Long Term Vendor
Declaration management)
2. The quality of data maintenance provided by Finance Trade
team (Export Control, Sanctioned Party List Screening, Customs
Classification, Country Of Origin and Preferential Origin determination,
Long Term Vendor Declaration management).
3. The user-friendliness of CsoFT as tool for communication
4. The transparency of communication channels within Finance Trade in

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IDH Customer Master Data

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The ability of the IDH Customer Master Data team to solve issues
related to the processing of customer creation and change requests in
SAP P03 System.
2. The quality of upload file validation by the IDH Customer Master Data
3. The clarity, completeness and professionality of feedback from the IDH
Customer Master Data team.
4. The availability of the IDH Customer Master Data team via different
communication channels.
5. The speed of the IDH Customer Master Data team in dealing with
urgent requests and escalations.

Corporate Unit

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The ability of the Corporate Unit team to solve issues related to the
processing of material creation and change requests in SAP P03
2. The consistency of the quality provided by the Corporate Unit team.
3. The clarity, completeness and professionality of feedback from the
Corporate Unit team.
4. The availability of the Corporate Unit team via different
communication channels.
5. The speed of the Corporate Unit team in dealing with urgent requests
and escalations.

IDH Vendor Master Data

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The ability of the IDH Vendor Master Data team to solve issues related
to the processing of vendor creation and change requests in SAP P03
2. The quality of upload file validation by the IDH Vendor Master Data
3. The clarity, completeness and professionality of feedback from the
IDH Vendor Master Data team.
4. The availability of the IDH Vendor Master Data team via different
communication channels.
5. The speed of the IDH Vendor Master Data in dealing with urgent
requests and escalations.

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Central Master Data and Packaging

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The ability of the Central Master Data and IPAS team to solve issues
related to creation, update and monitoring of master data, creation of
packaging Bill of Material (Z-BOM).
2. The consistency of the quality provided by the Central Master Data
and IPAS team.
3. The clarity, completeness and professionality of feedback from the
Central Master Data and IPAS team.
4. The availability of the Central Master Data and IPAS team via different
communication channels.
5. The speed of the Central Master Data and IPAS team in dealing with
urgent requests and escalations

Master Data Management - Mozart and Master Data Coordination

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The ability of the Mozart and Master Data coordination team to solve
issues related to the handling of Mozart Briefs and facilitating the
overall process of IDH creation.
2. The consistency of the quality provided by the Mozart and Master Data
coordination team.
3. The clarity, completeness and professionality of feedback from the
Mozart and Master Data coordination team.
4. The availability of the Mozart and Master Data coordination team via
different communication channels.
5. The speed of the Mozart/Master Data coordination team in dealing
with urgent requests and escalations.

Master Data Management - Regulatory (Formulation Maintenance and

Product Safety)

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The quality of data maintenance for Semi-Finished Goods (Real

Substance, BULK IDH, Semi-Finished Good IDH, Formula and Safety
Data Sheet).
2. The transparency of contact persons responsible for querries on Semi-
Finished Goods (Real Substance, BULK IDH, Semi-Finished Good IDH,
Formula and Safety Data Sheet).
3. The willingness of the team representatives to provide solutions to
special queries on creation/update of Semi-Finished Goods (Real
Substance, BULK IDH, Semi-Finished Good IDH, Formula and Safety
Data Sheet).

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4. The knowledge of the team responsible for Semi-Finished Goods (Real
Substance, BULK IDH, Semi-Finished Good IDH, Formula and Safety
Data Sheet).
5. The cascading of information about Safety Data Sheet changes
according to the agreed procedures.

Master Data Management - Regulatory (Raw Materials and Quality


On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The quality of data maintenance in SIS database (selection of correct

SIS record, correctness of data entered into SIS record and correctness
of documentation upload).
2. The quality of physical-chemical and logistic data maintenance
provided by the Raw Material team according to the Mozart/MMD
requests (e.g. correct set up of chemical composition, physical-
chemical properties & specifications, control data / Reference
Inspection Plans, distribution of IDH into local systems).
3. The level of process understanding and the ability of the Raw Material
team to answer the questions related to Mozart Change Control
Process for Raw Materials, Raw Materials MMD workflow in P03,
status updates on Mozart Briefs/MMD requests and other queries
related to Raw Material Maintenance.
4. The organization of the Raw Mozart training sessions by the Raw
Materials and Quality Management team and as well as the training
set up and the content of the training.
5. The Understanding of urgency and willingness to process urgent RAW
Mozart brief MMD request cases.

Master Data Management - Regulatory (Product Safety)

On a scale from 1-6 where 1= very satisfied and 6 = very dissatisfied. Please
rate your satisfaction with each of the below aspects.

1. The knowledge of the Product Safety team regarding the Safety Data
Sheet creation and update
2. The level of clarity regarding the responsibilities of the team in the
Safety Data Sheet maintenance process
3. The level of clarity regarding the correct contact people for escalating
potential issues related to the Safety Data Sheets creations/updates
4. The quality of the Safety Data Sheet. If the quality is not sufficient,
please specify where the gaps are
5. The speed of the Product Safety team in dealing with your day-to day

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4. Best of Customized Questions

The main trick behind getting useful results relies in in the tackling of all
aspects of performance and it’s formulation into clear, short and simple
questions. Below are 9 of the best customized questions adopted by some
processes in 2015 and 2016 addressing different performance aspects.

1. Please rate your satisfaction with the level of professionalism

(competence, courtesy and responsibility) demonstrated by x team.
2. Please rate your satisfaction with the adaptability and flexibility of the
x team towards changes.
3. Please rate your satisfaction with the level of commitment and sense
of ownership demonstrated by the x team.
4. Please rate your satisfaction with the ability of the x team to meet
5. Please rate your satisfaction with the problem solving ability of x team.
6. Please rate your satisfaction with the x team’s pursue of new ideas and
drive for continuous improvements.
7. Are your requirements and needs met by x team?
a. Yes
b. No ------- What can we further provide to meet your needs?
8. Which of the below attribute is the most important to you?
a. Knowledge
b. Quality
c. Speed
d. Communication
e. Accessibility
9. Improvement in which of below areas would immediately increase
your satisfaction?
a. Technical or process expertise
b. Quality
c. Speed
d. Communication
e. Accessibility

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