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Practical Research 1

Christine Mae D. Hornilla

Grade 12- St. Joseph Marello

Topic: Parents Perspectives on Distance Learning and How It Affects Student

Academic Performance

1. What are the perspectives of parents on distance learning which was
triggered due to Covid-19?
2. What are the impacts of distance learning on students’ academic
3. How parents deal the certain struggles in distance learning due to
The recently distinguished Coronavirus was first named the 2019-novel
Covid was first happened at Wuhan, China, in December 2019. On February 11,
2020, the 2019-novel Covid was authoritatively named SARS-CoV-2 by the
World Health Organization (WHO), otherwise called the COVID-19 (Guo et
al.,2020). The COVID-19 isn't simply causing wellbeing emergencies around the
globe. However it likewise influences all the parts of life, including the Education.
Social Distancing through school conclusion was one of the measures taken
universally to stop the spread of this COVID-19 among kids. All extracurricular
exercises have additionally been put to a stop as a preventive measure. These
have exceptionally affected our child's brain research and emotional wellness as
it is disallowing them from associating with their mates, school companions, and
instructors. Distance learning was one of the arrangements actualized during this
COVID-19 lockdown period to help kids proceed with their schooling on the web
which kept the kids occupied. Parents’ involvement and support is an important
factors for students achievement in this virtual class setting. However, parents
must take on this new mode of learning of their children with new roles and
responsibility in online education. The arose of challenges among parents
envolvement in this distance learning is inevitable. It may include the lack of
internet access and having low digital efficacy. Parent’s perspectives on distance
learning may help on enhancing the learning modalities and properly addressed.

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