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Gabrielle Karine F.

Catral October 28, 2021

Ms. Bea Marcos Oral Communication

Animal Cruelty and Why it Needs to Stop: Outline

Persuasive Speech by Gabbie Catral

➢ Introduction
A. Hook/Quote
B. Brief introduction of Animal Cruelty
C. My Thesis Satement on the issue of Animal Cruelty

➢ Body
A. Main point #1 - Statement of the problems the animal cruelty brings (and
supporting evidence)
B. Main point #2 - Statement of the supposed causes of animal cruelty
C. Main point #3 - Statement of need for action to stop animal cruelty
D. Main point #4 - Present solutions that satisfies the need to stop animal

➢ Conclusion
A. Brief review of what was discussed in the body
B. Call for action to stop Animal Cruelty
C. Visualize results when we stop animal cruelty
D. Sense of Closure - End with the Hook/Quote

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