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On November 15, 2020, The hashtag #NasaanAngPangulo dominated the Twitter

world during the onslaught of Super Typhoon ‘Rolly’.

Filipinos on social media sought the whereabouts of President Rodrigo

Duterte because of his absence on the first public briefing regarding the
typhoon and also because the president didn’t make a public address
until the typhoon Rolly had passed, without knowing that the President
was attending the virtual opening ceremony of the 37th ASEAN Summit.

That’s why I think people should stop asking where the President is, because I
think that the President doesn’t have to be always physically present in
every situation because we have agencies and departments that are
functioning and fulfilling their duties even if the President is not physically there.
Filipinos have to be open minded and stop always critisizing the government
especially the president, without a basis, because its not helping at all, its just
making the situations worst, instead lets be united and see the goodness in
everyone especially in the midst of crisis. Afterall, we’re all still “kababayan” and
we must help each other to pass every crisis that may come.

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