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The CNN Philippines remains Most Trusted News Company according to Publicus Asia

In journalism, objectivity is necessary. Delivering a fair and unbiased news or information’s to

the viewers, listeners or readers is salient.
According to Pew Research Journalism Project, a journalist is responsible for reporting the truth,
not because he is inherently unbiased but because he upholds the importance of objective
Journalists should help their audiences to interpret the news on their own perspective by
providing only the facts.
CNN Philippines  most trusted news company according to Publicus Asia’s 2021 quarter poll.
The news company bags 60% high trust rate reaching the top spot. GMA and Philippines daily
quarter inquiry round up third.
In fact, CNN continuously provide unbiased and truthful news providing the Filipino community
relevant and accurate data about Covid 19.
On their released article states that the government vaccinated more than 26 million of Filipinos
and it is still less compared to their target which is 77 million fully vaccinated citizens.
Moreover, government always says to the public that the vaccination program that they launched
will only take a few steps closer to achieve a new normal set-up, but the news says otherwise for
it clearly shows that it will take a long time to achieve a herd immunity.
CNN's Philippines, along with its tagline "We Tell the Story of The Filipino". It is true and
evident in their works in upholding truthful and unbiased news.
The society should receive accurate and truthful information’s and journalists must practice and
report it with an unbiased manner. Nowadays, medias and stations are doing a poor job in
reporting some issues that's why other people are misinformed.

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