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"A Short History of International Humanitarian Law"
Article that I red, described how the term, International humanitarian law was created, how
was fought for it and about ius in bello controversial approach. International humanitarian
law, or ius in bello, is the law that governs the way in which warfare is conducted.
International humanitarian law is purely humanitarian, seeking to limit the suffering caused. It
is independent from questions about the justification or reasons for war, or its prevention.
History remembers quite a number of countless failures of declarations and conventions. Even
the contemporary values of humanitarianism have been called into question, with David
Kennedy identifying Nuremberg Tribunal ability to conceal problems and misdirect attention.
Before the 1960s international humanitarian law was referred ‘laws of war’ and later, in the
1960s, to the ‘laws of armed conflict’. The separation of the Geneva and Hague laws is very
important too. The International Committee of the Red Cross Directorate, claimed that
Geneva Conventions contain humanitarian law and Hague Convention deals with the means
and methods of combat. Out of a bundle of documents, the Geneva Conventions, provided
particularly authoritative humanitarian provisions. Scott Brown, and other law observers,
remarked on the Conferences’ important humanitarian advances. They had produced
provisions outlining the rights to combatancy, the treatment of prisoners of war, and
protection for non-combatant.
1) Ius in bello- tarptautinė humanitarinė teisė;
2) Divergence- išsiskyrimas;
3) Obscure- užtemdyti;
4) Codification- kodifikacija;
5) Benign- palankus;
6) Resolution- rezoliucija;
7) Agenda- darbotvarkė;
8) Reprisal- represijos;
9) Applicable- taikomas;
10) Undertake- įsipareigoti;
11) Domain- sritis;
12) Abbreviation- santrumpa;
13) Venue- vieta;
14) Warfare- karyba;
15) Internal- vidinis;
16) Non- combatant - civilis karo meru;
17) Essential- esminis;
18) Hostilities- karo veiksmai;
19) Regime- režimas;
20) Confine- apriboti.

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