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Community Health Nursing - HomeVisit and Bag Technique

Confirm the client's identity
Greet the client(s) and introduce yourself
State the purpose of the visit
Purpose of the visit may be for routine check up or for home client care
Observe the patient and determine the health needs
this may be:
home environment
home safety
physical examination
relationship with other people
Look or Ask for Flat surface where we could place our bag
Put a paper lining on the table; The clean side must be out and the folder part, touching
the table
Place the Bag on the table
put the straps beneath the bag to avoid contamination

Ask for a basing of water or a glass of drinking water if tap waster is not available.
Open the bag and take out the towel and soap
Wash hands using soap and water, wipe to dry
Take out the apron from the bag and put it on with the right side
Put out all the necessary articles needed for the specific care.
Prepare a receptacle
Close the bag. Use bag as few times as possible.
Proceed in performing the necessary nursing care treatment.

After giving the treatment, clean all things that were used and perform hand washing.
• Plan where you will discard disposable items ahead of time (e.g. impermeable
trash/grocery bags).

• Only dispose of sharps in an approved sharps disposal container. The sharps container
must be kept in a separate “dirty” compartment or a designated sharps container pouch.
Never put used sharps directly in the bag.
• Bag soiled reusable items that cannot be cleaned in the patient’s home and transport
them back to the facility for disinfection in an impermeable sealed plastic bag placed on
the floor of the car. Do NOT place these soiled items back into the healthcare bag. Clean
items with Sani-Cloth or alcohol prior to repacking bag.
Open the bag and return all things that were used in their proper places after cleaning

Remove apron, folding it away from the person, the soiled side in and the clean side out.

Fold the lining, place it inside the bag and close the bag


Take the record and have a talk with the mother. Write down all the necessary data that
were gathered, observations, nursing care and treatment rendered. Give instructions for
care of patients in the absence of the nurse.
Record all important date, observation and care rendered
Make appointment for a return visit

1.    Staff is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and completeness of the bag.

2.    As homes differ greatly, staff will need to use judgment in selecting an appropriate
work area. Considerations include: cleanliness of home, adequate lighting, low traffic
area, away from direct currents from windows, heat or air conditioning vents, safe area
for bag away from pets and children.
3.    Bag must be thoroughly cleaned if soiled and periodically as needed. Reusable
equipment is cleaned with soap and water in the presence of bodily secretions, dried,
then wiped with alcohol and allowed to air dry.
4.    Disposable equipment is used whenever possible.
5.    Patient’s equipment (e.g. thermometer, BP unit) is used whenever possible.
6.    The inside and contents of the bag are always considered clean.

•    Instruct the patient/caregiver on infection control precautions and on how to reduce
risk of transmitting a communicable disease.

•    Consider referring patients who have active infectious organisms, such as
vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, to “infectious disease clinic” or specific
case manager to reduce the risk of staff exposure and transmission of infectious
organisms to other patients.
•    Try to visit these patients last or at the end of the day.
•    When possible, use disposable equipment or keep needed equipment in the home
with these patients, and contact the local health department for further
surveillance/management guidelines.

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