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Nama: Putri Risfa Melinda

Nim: G041211067
Prodi: Keteknikan Pertanian
Bahasa Inggris

 Exercise 9, Unit 7 Hal 114-115

1. Main Idea: New vending machines provide much better fasting and more interesting foods
than the machines of the past.
Signal Word = Example
- Both
- Like = A quick and convenient way to buy food.
- But = New machines improved.
- However = Old machines swallowed coins or new machines use plastic cards.
- In contrast = Old machines gave tasteless food or new machines sell delicious meals.
2. Main Idea: New laptop computers all smaller, lighter, and easier to use than the old portables.
Signal Words = Example
- Differences
- Unlike = Old portables were heavy or laptops weigh 5 pounds.
Old portables were large or laptops are small.
3. Main Idea: Electric cars are similar in use and appearance to gasoline powered cars, but they
are silent.
Signal Words = Examples
- Both = Both provide private transpotation.
- Simillar = Interior, wheels and brakes are alike.
- On the other hand = Electric wehicle is totally silent.
- In contrast = Electric wehicle has to sound of ignition.

 Exercise 10, Unit 7 Hal 116-117

1. Main Idea: In some ways, collage life is very similar to height school life.
Signal words = Examples
- Similarities
- In both places = You must be a responsible student.
- Similarly = You can make friends.
- Also resembles = Many student activities.
2. Main Idea: The university of Bogolna is different from most north American universities.
Signal words = Example
- Differences
- Major differences = Very old-founded in the tenth century, American universities are
- Different = Located in the heart of city or American universities are offen outside city
- Unlike = No trees or open spaces.
3. Main Idea: Russian foreign language schools and are similar to regular public schools but
they some special fentures.
Signal Words = Example

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