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Name : Mardhatilla Azzahra

NPM :3193014

Class : D3 Ak 2A

Body of Presentation

Well, first we will discuss safe and effective ways and healthy diet tips that

can lose weight. First, I will explain what factors can affect weight, including excess

food factors caused by food consumed exceeding the body's needs, genetic factors

caused by previous genetics or heredity, but it can also be due to poor diet such as

Fast food that is high in calories and fat. Well, I already told you about what factors

affect weight. Next, I will explain about easy ways or tips to live a healthy diet,

namely to regulate daily calorie intake to be balanced to maintain a healthy body.

Each person's calorie needs vary depending on age and gender. The following are

recommendations for daily calorie intake by age according to the Ministry of Health

of the Republic of Indonesia 2019, children aged 1–6 years 1,350–1,400 calories,

children aged 7–9 years 1,650 calories, adolescents 2,000–2,500 calories, adults

2,550–2,650 calories. Also choose the right foods for a healthy diet, namely,

vegetables, such as spinach, potatoes, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, mustard greens,

and carrots, fruits, such as mangoes, bananas, avocados, whole grains, such as wheat,

whole wheat bread, oatmeal, and brown rice, milk and low-fat dairy products,

including yogurt and cheese, protein sources, including seafood, poultry, eggs, meat,

and nuts, healthy oils, such as coconut oil and olive oil. The success of dieting and

maintaining an ideal body starts from changing unhealthy eating habits with healthy

ones and is done consistently by not delaying or skipping meals, especially breakfast

can make the body lack energy, and eat when hunger begins to appear, avoid or limit
snacks that exaggerated. Well, I've told you about the ways or tips to have a healthy

diet. Finally, I will explain how to limit the daily calories we consume, you can

consult directly with a nutritionist how many daily calories are needed by our bodies,

make sure the number of calories that enter according to daily needs, avoid foods and

drinks that are too sweet, increase daily activity can be by exercising and also

choosing foods with low calorie counts. Well, I've told you about how to keep the

daily calorie intake consumed in accordance with the body's needs and not excessive.

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